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Arbovirose, Dengue, Sudeste.

How to Cite

CAVALCANTE CARVALHO, C. V., Reis Lima, A. B., Coutinho da Silva, J., Guido, G. H., de Sá Pereira , J. P., Magalhães Soares da Costa, M., de Almeida Mendes, O., Duarte da Costa Madureira Souza, T., Gonçalves Ferreira , J. P., Rodrigues Passos Pedra , J., Oliveira Souza, G., Fonseca Fernandes da Silva , R., Vilela Mancilha , B., & Mohamad Sobhi El Haj Sleiman, N. (2024). ECOLOGICAL STUDY OF DENGUE CASES IN SOUTHEASTERN BRAZIL BETWEEN 2014 AND 2023. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2241–2252.


Dengue is an extremely prevalent arbovirus in Brazil, particularly in the Southeastern region, which shows alarming growth patterns. This study aims to analyze the clinical and epidemiological panorama of dengue cases in Southeastern Brazil from 2014 to 2023. This is a descriptive, quantitative, and retrospective study based on data obtained through the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS).The total number of confirmed dengue cases in the Southeast region between 2014 and 2023 was 5,103,951. The capital, Belo Horizonte, had the highest number of cases (n=343,397). The age group with the highest frequency of dengue cases was 20 to 39 years, accounting for 31.13% (n=1,893,575) of the cases. The majority of individuals had completed high school, corresponding to 49.33%. The most frequent race/color in the analyzed sample was white, corresponding to 57.77% (n=2,060,473) of the cases. The sample was mostly composed of female individuals (45.92%). The majority of cases received clinical-epidemiological confirmation (57.25%), with a cure rate of 99.89% (n=4,142,176). The study highlighted the increasing pattern of dengue cases, although the prognosis was favorable for most patients.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 CLARA VITÓRIA CAVALCANTE CARVALHO, Andressa Bianca Reis Lima, Jhenyfer Coutinho da Silva, Gustavo Henrique Guido, João Pedro de Sá Pereira , Mateus Magalhães Soares da Costa, Otávio de Almeida Mendes, Thiago Duarte da Costa Madureira Souza, João Pedro Gonçalves Ferreira , Júlia Rodrigues Passos Pedra , Gabriel Oliveira Souza, Rafael Fonseca Fernandes da Silva , Bárbara Vilela Mancilha , Nura Mohamad Sobhi El Haj Sleiman