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How to Cite

do Nascimento Aragão, V., Luzia dos Santos, J., de Freitas Brazil Neto, J., Lennon Camilo Rosa, F., de Paula Lima, M., Bezerra de Almeida, F. E., De Melo Freitas, J. I., Esmeraldo Leite Knaier, S., Pinheiro Silva, M. S., Florentino do Nascimento Brazil, M. C., Mendes Ribeiro, D., Monteiro Maciel, M., & de Paula Lima, P. (2024). THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES IN PEDIATRIC EMERGENCIES IN INTUSSUSCEPTION . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2536–2548.


It is understood that intussusception is a potentially fatal pediatric medical emergency if not treated promptly. Over time, the techniques used to treat this situation vary depending on the reality of the situation, but the most commonly used therapy is laparoscopy surgery, followed by other non-surgical options used, such as pneumatic reduction. The study aims to inform the types of therapeutic approaches used in pediatric situations, contributing to knowledge about the current and most used forms. The study was carried out with an integrative review methodology, carried out in June 2024, through searches in the databases: PubMed, Scielo and Lilacs. The Health Science/Medical Subject Headings (DeCS/MeSH) Descriptors used were: “Intussusception”; "treatment"; “pediatrics". In English: "Intussusception"; "treatment"; "pediatrics". Such descriptors were related using the Boolean Operator “AND”. To carry out the integrative review, the six planning phases outlined by Mendes, Silveira and Galvão (2008) and those trained being filtered into 3 stages. Therefore, the approaches found in the 6 works were: surgery as the initial method, pneumatic or hydrostatic reduction and ultrasound-guided hydrostatic enema reduction (UGHR).
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Vladmir do Nascimento Aragão, Josilene Luzia dos Santos, João de Freitas Brazil Neto, Francisco Lennon Camilo Rosa, Mateus de Paula Lima¹, Francisco Emanuel Bezerra de Almeida, Joyce Isley De Melo Freitas, Sophia Esmeraldo Leite Knaier, Maressa Samai Pinheiro Silva, Maria Clara Florentino do Nascimento Brazil, Daiane Mendes Ribeiro, Mateus Monteiro Maciel, Pedro de Paula Lima