Intercurrences in anesthesia management in obese patients: a literature review
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Reis Targino Borchardt , P., Medeiros Lebrão , J. M., Rocha Pinon Teixeira de Araújo, G., Cristina Fulanetti , D., de Oliveira Barbosa Pontes Namen, M., de Sousa Santos , M., Balbina Belém de Brito Sampaio , A., Sobelman Guaragna , A. B., Couto Baptista , M., Cury Molinar , M. P., Sales Lopes Cândido Ribeiro , V. J., & Edite Félix Barbosa , M. (2024). Intercurrences in anesthesia management in obese patients: a literature review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2041–2050.


This is an integrative review using the BVS, SciELO, LILACS and PubMed as databases over the last 5 years. 997 articles on the topic were evaluated with an emphasis on a synthesis of the most recent knowledge and greater scientific consistency. The safe approach to obese patients on an outpatient basis is, without a doubt, a challenge for the anesthesiologist who, in addition to the content of these recommendations, must always take into account the conditions of infrastructure, equipment, material and multidisciplinary team available to take complete the anesthetic act. Therefore, it is considered essential that each Ambulatory Surgery Unit draw up a local policy that takes all these variables into account.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Poliane Reis Targino Borchardt , João Marcelo Medeiros Lebrão , Gabriel Rocha Pinon Teixeira de Araújo, Danieli Cristina Fulanetti , Matheus de Oliveira Barbosa Pontes Namen, Miguel de Sousa Santos , Athalany Balbina Belém de Brito Sampaio , Ana Beatriz Sobelman Guaragna , Matheus Couto Baptista , Maria Paula Cury Molinar , Victor Jorge Sales Lopes Cândido Ribeiro , Maria Edite Félix Barbosa