Unraveling ethical complexities: An integrative review of obstetric violence in thelight of Bioethics.
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Obstetric Violence; Women's autonomy; medical ethics.

How to Cite

Gonçalves , A. P. S., & Baquião , L. S. M. (2024). Unraveling ethical complexities: An integrative review of obstetric violence in thelight of Bioethics. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1829–1848. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p1829-1848


To carry out a critical analysis of obstetric violence from the perspective of Bioethics, providing foundations for reflection and improvement of clinical practices in the obstetric context. Method: An integrative review study using the PICO strategy, with women who experienced childbirth and were exposed to obstetric violence (P), health professionals and their knowledge on the subject (I), hospitals, clinics and perinatal care sites (C) and Obstetric Violence (O). Initially, applying the criterion of language, year of publication, full text, studies published between 2004 and 2024 were analyzed. After selection via the Rayyan platform, 116 studies were found, with 2 duplicates, where 89 studies were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria, 25 were selected for complete reading, of which 16 met the inclusion criteria. Findings: The results revealed a persistent violation of women's human rights in the obstetric context, with many not recognizing the traumatic experiences experienced as obstetric violence. The lack of awareness on the subject among health professionals and the insufficiency of institutional measures to prevent such practices are highlighted.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Paula Simões Gonçalves , Larissa Sales Martins Baquião