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health promotion

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Vieira Melo, I., Cordeiro de Godoy Miranda, B., Nobre da Costa, R., Araujo Barros, I., Cardoso Menezes, P. T., Menezes Cardoso, V., & Leite Lessa Araujo, A. F. (2024). LESÕES AUTOPROVOCADAS EM TODOS OS CICLOS DA VIDA: UMA ANÁLISE DA MORTALIDADE NO ESTADO DE ALAGOAS NOS ANOS DE 2012 A 2022. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1752–1762. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p1752-1762


According to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10), self-harm consists of acts that are intentionally inflicted by a person on themselves, which includes attempted suicide. The recorded data demonstrate progressive growth in the epidemiological design. However, Brazil, as a developing country, has a limitation in collecting epidemiological data that accurately substantiates suicide rates. This issue distorts political decisions, as they are driven by epidemiological data, which contribute to the promotion and valuation of interventions for the control and prevention of health issues. Objective: To identify mortality caused by self-harm reported in the state of Alagoas from 2012 to 2022. Methods: Epidemiological, cross-sectional analytical study, with a time series cut using secondary data extracted from the Mortality Information System (SIM), related to deaths due to intentional self-harm for the years 2012 to 2022. Results: In the state of Alagoas, the majority of deaths from self-harm in the years 2012 to 2022 were men, 20 to 24 years old, brown. The largest number of cases occurred in the capital, followed by Arapiraca and Palmeira dos Índios. Conclusion: Cases of self-inflicted injuries in Alagoas have a predominant profile among younger brown men. This association is due to the impact caused by social media, the consequences of racism and social stigma in which men make less use of health services. Therefore, the study contributes to a new direction for public policies in mental health.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Isabela Vieira Melo, Beatriz Cordeiro de Godoy Miranda, Renata Nobre da Costa, Isabela Araujo Barros, Paula Thaís Cardoso Menezes, Victor Menezes Cardoso, Aida Felisbela Leite Lessa Araujo