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Facial injuries, Facial fissures, Dental facial changes, Quality of life.

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Nascimento, K. N. M. P. do, Wroblewki, V. S., Neco, E. C., Lacerda, E. M. C., Oliveira, L. M. N. de, Brito, M. R. de A., Santos, C. B. B. do N., Tavares, C., Spanazzi, M. de L. M., Alves, R. M., Lima, E. F. cirilo, Albuquerque, L. M. M. de, Andrade, V. A. A. de, Maia, A. R. do N., Costa, D. B., Rocha, L. L. L., Felix, M. M., & Oliveira, A. V. de. (2024). MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN THE TREATMENT OF FACIAL DEFORMITIES: LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1396–1411.


The face is the region of expression of the soul, where all feelings are represented. It plays an important role in establishing social relationships, as well as communication and quality of life. This functional, aesthetic and social relevance of the face makes facial deformities the cause of anguish and isolation for individuals. Facial deformities can be congenital or acquired through trauma or mutilation, and the severity of the injury is very particular, which makes the use of metrics difficult. The objective of this literature review is to demonstrate the multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of facial deformities. Among the main facial deformities of congenital origin, cleft lip and palate are the most frequent and can develop various changes that compromise everything from the position of the teeth, such as speech, eating, breathing and aesthetics. Treatment for facial injuries must involve a multidisciplinary team, including a plastic and maxillofacial surgeon, otorhinolaryngologist, orthodontist, prosthetist, speech therapist, geneticist, psychologist and nutritionist. Therefore, facial deformities have a strong influence on the aesthetics, quality of life and social integration of individuals affected by these injuries. It is also important to highlight the need to have a multidisciplinary team in the care of patients with facial deformities, considering that these changes can compromise the individual's various physical and psychological functions. It is extremely important to monitor different professionals in a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of facial deformities from the beginning of the diagnosis and throughout the patient's life, always seeking the well-being and quality of life for those with these injuries.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Kethylin Nayari Macedo Pinto do Nascimento, Vinicius Silva Wroblewki, Eudécio Carvalho Neco, Ellyciane Maria Cândido Lacerda, Leyne Minelly Nazário de Oliveira, Marilia Ribeiro de Almeida Brito, Camila Bárbara Batista do Nascimento Santos, Camila Tavares, Marcelo de Lima Machado Spanazzi, Rayane Mirim Alves, Ewerthon Fábio cirilo Lima, Larissa Maria Monteiro de Albuquerque, Vinícius Azevedo Araújo de Andrade, Alan Rossi do Nascimento Maia, Dayane Barbosa Costa, Liliana Leal Lopes Rocha, Matheus Moschen Felix, Alyne Vasconcelos de Oliveira