Advances and challenges in the treatment of lung cancer
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Câncer pulmonar
Célula pequena
Célula não pequena

How to Cite

Gorgulho Campos Gontijo, J., Freitas, A. C. R., & Garcia, G. S. G. (2024). Advances and challenges in the treatment of lung cancer: a systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1468–1479.


Lung cancer is the second most common non-skin cancer and the leading cause of cancer death worldwide, a global health problem. This study aimed to investigate the challenges and advances in the treatment of lung cancer through a systematic review in the PubMEd database. Fifteen publications between 2021 and 2024 were selected. Ten addressed non-small cell lung cancer and five small cell lung cancer. Chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies have been suggested for both types of the disease. Treatment of non-small cell cancer includes genomic and proteomic profiling to identify potential targets, immune checkpoint inhibitors, understanding the biological basis of metastasis, surgery, personalized treatment plan. The challenges were identification of target genetic alterations, development of effective drugs and combinations, overcoming drug resistance, better biomanufacturers, toxicity, resistance to immune inhibitors, inequality in access to treatment. Small cell carcinoma can be treated with tyrosine inhibitors associated with immunotherapy, transporting drugs/genes to the site/target, identifying a specific target that is highly homogeneous and stably expressed in the tumor. The challenges were treatment abandonment, complexity of the disease, non-acceptance of disease progression. It was concluded that, despite numerous advances in the treatment of lung cancer, there is no standard, each patient needs individual adjustments. Communication between doctor and patient may be key to providing personalized anticancer therapy.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Juliana Gorgulho Campos Gontijo, Ana Clara Rezende Freitas, Gustavo Souza Gontijo Garcia