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Apendicite Aguda, Abordagem Diagnóstica, Tratamento Cirúrgico, Emergência.

How to Cite

Neto, J. F. M., Saraiva , M. C. N., Silva , V. H. A. D. A., Prado , I., Véras , S. F. O., Silva, G. S. S., Martins, L. R. de A., Algarves, E. A., Silva, L. D. P. da, Souza , L. M. de, Rezende, G. B. E., & Chan, E. L. R. S. (2024). ACUTE APPENDICITIS: DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH AND ADVANCES IN SURGICAL TREATMENT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1356–1364.


Acute appendicitis is an inflammation of the cecal appendix, a frequent surgical emergency. Early diagnosis is vital to avoid serious complications. Migratory abdominal pain and associated symptoms help in the diagnosis. Imaging techniques, especially ultrasound and tomography, confirm the condition. The treatment is mainly surgical, with preferably laparoscopic appendectomy. Methodology: The research reviewed literature from 2015 to 2024 on "Acute Appendicitis: Diagnostic Approaches and Advances in Surgical Treatment", using scientific bases such as PubMed and SciELO. He selected original articles with full access, focused on clinical manifestations, imaging diagnoses and surgical advances, excluding studies out of scope or more than 10 years old. Results and discussions: The cecal appendix, located in the right iliac fossa, measures about 8 to 10 cm and may have an immunological role in childhood. Acute appendicitis usually results from appendicular obstruction, causing migratory abdominal pain and symptoms such as fever and nausea. The diagnosis involves clinical history, physical, laboratory and imaging techniques, with ultrasound and tomography being crucial. The use of low-dose CT and new scoring systems improve diagnostic accuracy and reduce negative appendectomy. Final considerations: Acute appendicitis is a common surgical emergency, requiring early diagnosis and treatment to avoid complications. Advanced techniques such as ultrasound and CT, especially low-dose, improve diagnostic accuracy. Appendictomy, preferably laparoscopic, is the standard treatment. Studies highlight the importance of combined diagnostic methods and surgical advances for better management.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 João Florêncio Monteiro Neto, Maria Claudia Nogueira Saraiva , Victor Hugo Alves De Andrade Silva , Isabella Prado , Saul Felipe Oliveira Véras , Gabriela Sales Serra Silva, Larissa De Almeida, Elouf Askar Algarves, Luana Dutra Pinheiro da Silva, Lucas Milano de Souza , Giovanna Brandao , Elvis Lucas Rabelo Shintay Chan