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spinal anesthesia, Principles, effectiveness, recovery

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Oliveira, L. A. A. de, Barros, M. R. de, Oliveira, J. V. de, Souza, R. A. P. de, Povoleri, F. G. C., Rodrigues, K. J., Fróis, E. P., Abreu, R. C. de, Ferreira, N. R., Ferreira, F. duarte de J., Silva, M. G. D. da, & Vasconcelos, C. de A. D. (2024). ANESTHETIC PRINCIPLES IN THE SURGICAL CENTER LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1053–1061.


Introduction: In cases of diseases such as acute cholecystitis or gallstones, removal of the gallbladder is a common surgical procedure known as cholecystectomy. The correct anesthetic technique is essential for the success of the surgery and the patient's well-being. Spinal anesthesia appears as a compatible option in this context, as it can offer benefits in terms of anesthetic efficacy and postoperative recovery. Objective: This study examines the literature to evaluate the effectiveness and technique of spinal anesthesia in cholecystectomy. We investigated the ability of spinal anesthesia to provide adequate sensory and motor blockade, the frequency of intraoperative and postoperative complications, and how it affects the postoperative recovery of patients undergoing this surgery. Methodology: An integrative review of the literature was carried out using searches in electronic databases with terms related to spinal anesthesia and cholecystectomy. The inclusion criteria were studies published in the last ten years in scientific journals that examined the effectiveness of spinal anesthesia in this context. Data was synthesized and analyzed to find patterns and trends related to the application of spinal anesthesia in cholecystectomy. Results and Discussion: This review clearly showed that spinal anesthesia can severely block sensors and motors during cholecystectomy, making the surgery precise and comfortable for the patient. Spinal anesthesia is also associated with fewer intra- and postoperative complications, which highlights its safety and tolerability.These results show that spinal anesthesia is a safe and effective anesthetic option for cholecystectomy, as it significantly reduces pain, reduces complications and allows for faster recovery. Conclusion: Spinal anesthesia is a safe and highly effective anesthetic option for cholecystectomy based on the results and discussions. A more comprehensive understanding of the role of this anesthetic method in these common surgeries was achieved through an integrative literature review. Spinal anesthesia offers patients a safer, more comfortable and more effective surgical intervention.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Lucas Avinner Afonso de Oliveira, Matheus Rodrigues de Barros, João Vitor de Oliveira, Rodrigo Aleixo Pereira de Souza, Felipe Guimarães Cardão Povoleri, Katlan José Rodrigues, Eleonora Patto Fróis, Rafaela Cavalcante de Abreu, Natana Ribeiro Ferreira, Franciny duarte de Jesus Ferreira, Maria Gabriela Dias da Silva, Cintia de Azevedo Dantas Vasconcelos