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Aging, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Socially Assistive Robot.

How to Cite

Lorencini, V. S., Moraes , G. C., Cunha , K. S., Motta , M. A. L. da, Souza , B. T., Cordeiro , K. O. da S., Silva , F. B. da, Boninsegna, S., Campos, M. E. S., Fontes , L. O., Santos , B. S., & Manzoli , F. P. (2024). TECHNOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES FOR POPULATION AGING: THE BENEFIT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE ELDERLY. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1072–1083.


The increase in global life expectancy brings with it the growing challenge of population aging, marked by the increase in chronic diseases such as dementia and cancer, demanding personalized medical care. At the same time, there is a worrying trend towards a reduction in physical activity levels and an increase in sedentary lifestyle, influenced by public policies, social support and individual, cultural and environmental factors. The social and psychological impact of aging, including loneliness in old age, highlights the need for innovative interventions such as the use of educational robotic technologies, such as "RoboLS", which aim to improve the physical and mental health of the elderly. Advances in clinical artificial intelligence and socially assistive robotics are also explored as promising tools to support healthy aging and improve social interaction among older. OBJECTIVE: Analyze and highlight technological perspectives to promote healthy aging in the population. METHODOLOGY: This study reviewed articles published between 2018 and 2023, obtained from the PubMed database using descriptors such as Artificial Intelligence, Aging and technology. 16 articles were selected from a total of 63 initially found, after applying inclusion criteria that considered complete studies in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French, including reviews and meta-analyses relevant to the research. RESULTS: The studies highlight significant advances in the application of technologies such as Social Assistance Robots (SARs) and artificial intelligence (AI) programs to improve the quality of life of the elderly. Telemonitoring and the use of advanced sensors have proven effective in managing chronic diseases and early detection of adverse events. SARs equipped with tactile and light sensors promoted beneficial social interactions, reducing the burden on caregivers. However, challenges such as cultural adaptation and patient safety remain critical to the widespread acceptance of these technologies. Personalization of care and ethical algorithm development are essential to maximizing the potential of AI and robotics-based solutions in elderly care. CONCLUSION: Recent advances in AI for elderly care are highlighted by the implementation of SARs, which improve health and quality of life, although they face technical and ethical challenges in their continued acceptance and effectiveness.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Victor Salarolli Lorencini, Guilherme Coelho Moraes , Karla Sant’Anna Cunha , Marco Antônio Lucena da Motta , Bianca Teixeira Souza , Kaynan Oliveira da Silva Cordeiro , Franklim Barboza da Silva , Sofia Boninsegna, Maria Eduarda Souza Campos, Lorena Oliveira Fontes , Bruna Silva Santos , Fabio Pessin Manzoli