Influence of tobacco on staining and surface roughness of composite resin
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Resina Composta

How to Cite

Ceccato , A. J., Piardi, R., Pereira Butze, J., Conde, A., & Galafassi, D. (2024). Influence of tobacco on staining and surface roughness of composite resin. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1195–1207.


Objectives: the aim of this study was to evaluate aging, marginal pigmentation and color changes caused by tobacco in composite resin restorations performed at a higher education institution in Rio Grande do Sul. Materials and Methods: 12 restorations were evaluated by the USPHS criteria. The restorations were classified according to color, marginal pigmentation, anatomical shape, marginal adaptation and caries recurrence, and the criteria were evaluated as clinically satisfactory (Alpha and Beta) and unsatisfactory (Charlie). The restorations were judged by two previously calibrated evaluators. In addition to the clinical evaluation, photographs of the restorations were taken. Results: the evaluations of the anatomical shape variable indices obtained 83% of alpha responses, the marginal pigmentation criterion presented 67% of alpha score together with the color variable presenting the same score, the secondary caries variable was not evidenced and the marginal adaptation variable showed alpha score of 67%. Conclusions: composite resin restorations did not show significant changes in terms of FC (cigarette smoke), color, marginal pigmentation, anatomical shape, marginal adaptation and no recurrent caries were observed.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Alan José Ceccato , Rafaela Piardi, Juliane Pereira Butze, Alexandre Conde, Daniel Galafassi