Plummer's Disease and Graves' Disease are prevalent hyperthyroid conditions with distinct pathophysiological mechanisms. While Plummer's Disease is characterized by autonomous nodules that produce hormones independently of TSH, Graves' Disease is an autoimmune condition with diffuse thyroid stimulation due to antibodies against the TSH receptor. Methodology: The research was conducted through online access to scientific databases such as Google Scholar, National Library of Medicine (PubMed), Virtual Health Library (BVS), and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) for article selection, using keywords present in the descriptors: Plummer's Disease, Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid Ultrasonography, Graves' Disease, TSH Receptor Antibodies, and Exophthalmos. Results: Patients with Plummer's Disease present insidious hyperthyroid symptoms associated with palpable thyroid nodules, diagnosed by scintigraphy showing heterogeneous uptake. In Graves' Disease, in addition to the classic signs of hyperthyroidism, exophthalmos and other autoimmune symptoms are common, with diagnosis confirmed by TSH receptor antibodies and scintigraphy with diffuse uptake. Treatments for Plummer's Disease include radioactive iodine therapy and surgery, while for Graves' Disease, the initial approach is with antithyroid medications, followed by radioactive iodine therapy or surgery in refractory cases. Final considerations: Differentiating between Plummer's Disease and Graves' Disease is essential for effective treatment. Plummer's Disease requires interventions focused on hyperfunctioning nodules, while Graves' Disease necessitates a comprehensive approach that includes managing autoimmune manifestations. Personalized treatment based on the specific etiology of hyperthyroidism is crucial to optimizing therapeutic outcomes and patient quality of life. Keywords: Hyperthyroidism, Plummer's Disease, Graves' Disease, Differential Diagnosis, Thyroid Therapies, Autoimmunity
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Copyright (c) 2024 Samuel Antonio Andrade De Moraes , Fernanda Alves de Souza , Germano Danielli , Cecília Maria Rodrigues de França, Pâmela Marina Borges Ribeiro , Alex Hennemann, Gabrielle Marcantes Menon, Lívia de Castro Martinez, William Alberto Hermida Artunduaga, Juliana Fernandes Areal Carrizo, Kevin Enrrique Andrade Pinheiro, João Florêncio Monteiro Neto , Luis Otávio Galho Mendonça, Monise Martins Portela Fontenele Vilâny , Mariana Loiola Marques Barbosa, Elvis Bezerra de Souza Sales , Caroline Kosteczka Cheres Saad , José Gabriel de Araújo Novais , Valery Zandavalli Olsen, Cristiane de Carvalho Rios , Amanda Monteiro Gimenes Soares , Éllen Araujo Martins Maia