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ADHD; Lisdexamfetamine; Methylphenidate; Treatment; Efficacy.

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Ribeiro, V. R., Ribeiro, C. L. A., Neto, P. de M. A. L., Figueiredo, C. V. R. de, Silva, G. B., Brooman, L. F. O. R., Margarida, F. de S., Figueira, L. T., Filho, Ênio S. de M. F., Sarmento, P. M. de S., Rêgo, A. W. B. do, Assis, M. Q. de, Moraes, L. S. de, Pereira, M. de B. L., Guerra, T. R. de A. B. I., Santos, B. P. dos, Zordan, N. R., Amaral, M. H. M. da C., Lacerda, Y. E. R., Neta, R. de L. B. F., Pinheiro, C. V. C., Freire, M. A. C., Landim, F. H. L. M., Correia, R. C. C., Borges, C. O., & Filho , M. G. de M. (2024). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF LISDEXAMFETAMINE AND METHYLPHENIDATE IN THE TREATMENT OF ADHD. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 947–964.



Considering the increasing prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the need for effective and safe therapeutic interventions, this research aimed to conduct a comparative analysis between lisdexamfetamine and methylphenidate in the treatment of ADHD. To this end, a comprehensive qualitative literature review was conducted, using sources such as Scielo, Google Scholar, scientific journals, institutional repositories, and virtual libraries, without specific time period limitations. Thus, it was observed that both medications demonstrated efficacy in reducing ADHD symptoms. Lisdexamfetamine showed a more prolonged and consistent effect on dopaminergic neurotransmission and a potentially more favorable side effect profile, with fewer reports of severe adverse effects compared to methylphenidate. Methylphenidate, in turn, showed significant efficacy, especially in the short term. It is concluded that both lisdexamfetamine and methylphenidate are valid therapeutic options for the treatment of ADHD, with specific advantages in different clinical contexts. The choice between these medications should consider the individual characteristics of patients and the available evidence of efficacy and safety, contributing to the optimization of treatment and the improvement of the quality of life of patients with ADHD.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Vinícius Ramos Ribeiro, Clara Lira Armbrust Ribeiro, Paulo de Morais Andrade Lima Neto, Camila Venceslau Rodrigues de Figueiredo, Gabriel Barros Silva, Luís Filipe Oiticica Rodrigues Brooman, Fernanda de Souza Margarida, Leonardo Tavares Figueira, Ênio Siberio de Melo Ferreira Filho, Pâmela Morett de Sena Sarmento, Arthur Wanderley Bione do Rêgo, Mariana Queiroz de Assis, Leonardo Serrano de Moraes, Manuela de Barros Lins Pereira, Thamara Riana de Aguiar Barbosa Interaminense Guerra, Brenda Paulino dosantos Santos, Nauany Reis Zordan, Marilia Helena Melo da Cunha Amaral, Yuri Eulálio Raposo Lacerda, Rosa de Lourdes Beltrão Firmino Neta, Camilly Vitória Cardoso Pinheiro, , Matheus Alessandro Callou Freire, Francisco Hudson Leite Mendonça Landim, Rebeca Claudia Cabral Correia, Clicia Oliveira Borges, Mauro Gonçalves de Morais Filho