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Malignant stomach neoplasm
Stomach Cancer
Quality of life

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da Silva Viana, W., Maria Oliveira de Magalhães, K., Fernandes Alves, A., Fernandes Louzada, A., Melo Fernandes, J., Sertão Alves, A. C., Costa de Castro Machado, L., Fernandes Anacleto, Ísis L., Lacerda Duque, Y., Araújo Silva Pereira, F., Souza Ferraz, L., Novais Silva, C., Cardoso dos Santos Sant’anna, J., Teixeira Sepúlveda, M. E., Pessoa Silva Leite, R., Vicente Alves Castanha, W., & Andrade Teixeira, I. (2024). IMPACTO DA GASTRECTOMIA NA QUALIDADE DE VIDA DE PACIENTES PORTADORES DE NEOPLASIA MALIGNA DE ESTOMAGO . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 1276–1289.


Objective: this study aimed to understand the impacts of gastrectomy on the quality of life of patients with malignant stomach neoplasia. Methodology: an integrative literature review was carried out based on articles published between January 1, 2018 and June 30, 2023, in electronic databases in Portuguese and English and that had a Cross-sectional study design, Case-Control and Cohort. Results: the main impacts on the quality of life of patients with stomach malignancy undergoing gastrectomy were the presence of reflux and/or esophagitis (33.33%), abdominal pain or discomfort (25.00%), weight loss (16 .66%), loss of appetite (16.66%), anxiety (16.66%), vomiting or nausea (16.66%). Furthermore, it was noted that conventional total gastrectomy was the surgical modality that had the worst negative outcomes associated with quality of life (41.66%). Conclusion: it is important to develop strategies aimed at preventing the impacts of gastrectomy, as well as minimizing the impacts already present resulting from this therapeutic modality, in order to provide a better quality of life for this category of patients.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 WENDEL DA SILVA VIANA, Kamylle Maria Oliveira de Magalhães, Alana Fernandes Alves, Augusto Fernandes Louzada, Juliana Melo Fernandes, Ana Clara Sertão Alves, Lua Costa de Castro Machado, Ísis Letícia Fernandes Anacleto, Yago Lacerda Duque, Fernanda Araújo Silva Pereira, Lucas Souza Ferraz, Christiane Novais Silva, Junnia Cardoso dos Santos Sant'anna, Maria Eduarda Teixeira Sepúlveda, Rafael Pessoa Silva Leite, William Vicente Alves Castanha, Iago Andrade Teixeira