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Metabolic syndrome, Statins, Nicotinic acid

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Ribeiro, C. L. A., Ribeiro, V. R., Cordeiro, A. C. C., Neto, P. de M. A. L., Costa, G. de B., Leite, M. E. de A. B., Figueiredo, C. V. R. de, Magalhães, J. L. de, Gomes, N. F., Crespo, N. F., Lopes, J. P., Filho, Ênio S. de M. F., Silva, G. B., Brooman, L. F. O. R., Margarida, F. de S., Figueira, L. T., Marques, M. E. A., Gama, L. F. C., Carvalho, T. F. G. de L., Santos, L. S. dos, Andrade, I. G. de, Lacerda, Y. E. R., Neta, R. de L. B. F., Alves, A. C. M., Callou, G. B. de S., & Tosta, F. D. (2024). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF STATINS AND NICOTINIC ACID IN THE TREATMENT OF METABOLIC SYNDROME. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 931–946.


Considering metabolic syndrome (MS) as a pathophysiological condition characterized by arterial hypertension, central obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia, this study aims to compare the use of statins and nicotinic acid in the treatment of MS. To this end, a comparative analysis based on relevant clinical and epidemiological studies was conducted. Thus, it is observed that statins significantly reduce LDL cholesterol by about 50% and decrease the risk of cardiovascular events by 25% to 35%, with an odds ratio (OR) of improvement between 0.70 and 0.80. Statins are widely available and accessible, especially in generic versions, and have a relatively manageable adverse effect profile. In contrast, nicotinic acid reduces LDL cholesterol by 15% to 25%, increases HDL cholesterol, and reduces triglycerides, but with less consistent efficacy in preventing cardiovascular events (OR ranging from 0.90 to 1.10) and significant side effects, such as skin flushing and hepatotoxicity. The cost and availability of nicotinic acid are more limited compared to statins. It is concluded that statins are the preferred choice for the treatment of MS due to their robust efficacy and accessibility, while nicotinic acid may be considered in specific cases, with caution due to its adverse effects.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Clara Lira Armbrust Ribeiro, Vinícius Ramos Ribeiro, Ana Carolina Cardoso Cordeiro, Paulo de Morais Andrade Lima Neto, Guilherme de Barros Costa, Maria Eduarda de Alcântara Barbosa Leite, Camila Venceslau Rodrigues de Figueiredo, Julia Lôbo de Magalhães, Nathália Ferreira Gomes, Nathália Ferreira Crespo, João Pedro Lopes, Ênio Siberio de Melo Ferreira Filho, Gabriel Barros Silva, Luís Filipe Oiticica Rodrigues Brooman, Fernanda de Souza Margarida, Leonardo Tavares Figueira, Mariana Emanuelly Albuquerque Marques, Livia Fonseca Calepso Gama, Thiago Francisco Galvão de Lima Carvalho, Lara Sales dos Santos, Isabella Gaiarim de Andrade, Yuri Eulálio Raposo Lacerda, Rosa de Lourdes Beltrão Firmino Neta, Aleff Caio Menezes Alves, Gabriel Barros de Sá Callou, Francine Dalmaso Tosta