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Infecção Urinária, Pediatria, Repercussões, Tratamento.

How to Cite

Silva , S. A. da, Miranda , A. P., Goes, M. L. V. M. L. de, Gusmão, H. S. B. L. B. de, Ferraz, R. K., Menezes , R. da S. V., Júnior , M. A. G. R., Santos, B. M. dos, Lemes , R. T., Noronha , J. P. H. de, Laurindo , J. V., Soares , G. S., Santos , M. M., & Carvalho , R. A. de. (2024). URINARY TRACT INFECTION IN PEDIATRICS: UNDERSTANDING ITS REPERCUSSIONS: INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 493–504. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p493-504


Introduction: Urinary tract infection in pediatrics is a common clinical condition affecting children and adolescents, being one of the main causes of consultations in emergency services and pediatric outpatient clinics.

Methodology: The search source included electronic databases recognized for their relevance and comprehensiveness in the biomedical field. The main databases selected were Google Scholar, Scielo, and PUBMED. These sources were chosen due to their ability to provide access to a wide range of high-quality studies, covering various disciplines and aspects related to the proposed topic.

Results: Diagnostic methods for urinary tract infection in pediatrics are essential to accurately identify the presence of infection and guide appropriate treatment. Proper urine sample collection is crucial to avoid contamination that could compromise test results.

Conclusion: In summary, urinary tract infections in pediatrics are a common but complex condition that requires a comprehensive approach for its management. Understanding the clinical, emotional, and social repercussions of these infections is fundamental to the development of effective diagnostic, treatment, and prevention strategies

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Silvano Alves da Silva , Arthur Pereira Miranda , Maria Laura Vasconcelos Moreira Lopes de Goes, Herman Silva Brito Lima Buarque de Gusmão, Roger Kayan Ferraz, Rafael da Silva Viana Menezes , Marcio Antonio Gomes Reis Júnior , Bianca Meotti dos Santos, Rodrigo Teixeira Lemes , João Pedro Homar de Noronha , João Victor Laurindo , Gustavo Silveira Soares , Murilo Macêdo Santos , Renan Araujo de Carvalho