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Breastfeeding; Weaning; Child Health; Lactation; Maternity

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Rosa, V. H. J. da, Nascimento , M. E. B. do, Silva , M. V. M. da, Alcântara, M. N. S. de, Gomes, T. H. de O., Lima, G. R. de A., Gazel, W. F., Jesus, B. M. S. de, & Silva, L. D. P. S. P. (2024). THE IMPACT OF BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT ON THE DURATION AND EXCLUSIVITY OF BREASTFEEDING. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 72–89.


Studies reinforce the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and infant morbidity and mortality, highlighting the urgency of promoting effective practices. Challenges persist, especially with rates below global recommendations, requiring investigation of contributing factors, such as unnecessary provision of bottles and food. Objective: The frequency of EBF in the first 30 days of life was analyzed, considering the influence of breastfeeding support. The complexity in measuring EBF, the WHO's monitoring proposal and the importance of the initial period are essential elements of this investigation. Methods: A literature review from 2015 to 2024 was conducted, covering studies exploring breastfeeding support and its relationship with the duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding. Using an integrative review approach guided by the PICo method, articles were searched in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed and Literature in Health Sciences of Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS) databases. The selection of articles was carried out based on specific criteria, evaluated by independent researchers. Results: Several studies were analyzed, revealing a wide variation in the frequency of EBF at 30 days of life. The implementation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative demonstrates commitment, but challenges persist. The analysis of 17 longitudinal studies highlights the complexity in measuring EBF and significant variations between investigated locations. Discussion: The lack of adequate support, evidenced in some studies, is associated with additional challenges that negatively affect the breastfeeding experience. Personalized strategies, social support networks and preventive interventions are crucial. The ongoing effectiveness of breastfeeding support programs and policies should be evaluated to identify areas for improvement. Conclusion: The comprehensive analysis highlights persistent challenges in promoting EBF. Despite the global increase, significant disparities persist, especially related to unnecessary bottle and food provision. Effective breastfeeding promotion and support strategies are crucial to overcoming obstacles and achieving global maternal and child health goals. A more sensitive approach is recommended, with longitudinal studies in different population groups, and the constant evaluation of implemented strategies is vital for significant advances. Investing in policies and interventions focused on supporting breastfeeding is fundamental to promoting maternal and child health and well-being on a global scale.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Victor Hugo Júlio da Rosa, Maria Eduarda Bezerra do Nascimento , Macella Vitória Moraes da Silva , Maria Noêmia Souza de Alcântara, Tiago Halyson de Oliveira Gomes, Gracenilde Rodrigues de Alcantara Lima, Welleson Feitosa Gazel, Bruna Menezes Souza de Jesus, Livya Dy Paolla Sousa Paz Silva