Neuropathy after hip arthroplasty: a therapeutic and rehabilitative approach
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Chronic Pain
Functional Rehabilitation
Hip Arthroplasty
Neurological Physiotherapy
Peripheral Neuropathy

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Nogueira, R. A., Salles, C. C. R. B., Schwartz , A. Y., Faria , L. R. M., Ferreira, M. de S. B., Motinho , J. V. M., Figueiredo, A. S. M., Rangel , P. H. O., Freire, P. B., Rocha , G. H. S., Neto , G. P. C., Stuhr , A. C. C., & Maciel , T. dos S. (2024). Neuropathy after hip arthroplasty: a therapeutic and rehabilitative approach. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 90–107.


Hip arthroplasty is a common surgical procedure to treat debilitating hip conditions such as arthritis and fractures. Although effective, the surgery can lead to post hip arthroplasty neuropathy (PHAN), a complication that affects up to 3% of patients and results in neuropathic pain and muscle weakness. In this scenario, given the high morbidity associated with CQA, this study aims to assess the importance of early rehabilitation, with a multidisciplinary approach, in an attempt to minimize neuropathic damage related to surgical manipulation. To develop this study, a literature review was carried out by collecting original articles published in the last 20 years, in English and Portuguese, in the main reference databases such as SciELO and PubMed, in order to ensure greater reliability of the information presented. Analysis of the studies revealed that various modalities can be associated in an attempt to minimize the damage related to CCAE, including physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy and, in some cases, a surgical approach. Although they can be associated with the late postoperative period, there is a better prognosis when interventions are carried out preoperatively and intraoperatively, as well as in the immediate postoperative period. Thus, the earlier the rehabilitation process begins, especially if it is multimodal, the better the patient's recovery of mobility, which tends to lead to an earlier return to work and normal activities, the lower the endocrine-metabolic and immunological response to surgical trauma, which also reduces the pain associated with neuropathy, as well as undoubtedly improving the quality of life of individuals affected by the disease.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Rayssa Almeida Nogueira, Camille Chaves Rangel Brito Salles, Allan Yukawa Schwartz , Luiza Ribeiro Moura Faria , Mariana de Souza Barros Ferreira, João Victor Medina Motinho , Ademilson Saraiva Moulin Figueiredo, Pedro Henrique Ongaratto Rangel , Pedro Bandoli Freire, Gustavo Henrique Silva Rocha , Geraldo Pereira Cova Neto , Alana Cristina Canceglieri Stuhr , Thiago dos Santos Maciel