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Aesthetic Zone, Pink and White Esthetic, Dental Ceramics, Dental Materials.

How to Cite

Matos, J. D. M. de, Rodrigues, M. F., Franzoni, M. A. A., Pereira, V. de V., Cabral, G., Barbosa, A. B., Schindler, J. U. R., Viaro, T. R. V., Granjeiro Júnior, J. I. T., & Queiroz, D. A. (2024). STEP-BY-STEP SYSTEM FOR DENTAL CERAMIC AESTHETIC REHABILITATION OF ANTERIOR TEETH. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(6), 958–973.


Stratification in dental ceramics is an essential technique for creating aesthetic and functional dental restorations that accurately mimic the appearance and properties of natural teeth. It requires a deep understanding of the materials used and technical skills to ensure high-quality results. This study aims to describe an extensive rehabilitation protocol, through a short communication, the step-by-step process of the stratification technique. The goal is to explore the different techniques for fabricating ceramic restorations, with a special focus on the stratification technique, reviewing its processing methods and highlighting the advantages and challenges associated with this approach.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Jefferson David Melo de Matos, Michael Frank Rodrigues, Mariane Aparecida Andrade Franzoni, Vinicius de Vasconcellos Pereira, Guilherme Cabral, Adriano Baldotto Barbosa, Jonas Uiliam Rodrigues Schindler, Thiago R V Viaro, José Ionaldo Teles Granjeiro Júnior, Daher Antonio Queiroz