Root coverage by coronal advanced flap with subepithelial graft in unitary recession in anteroinferior region
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Gingival Recession
regenerative therapy
Oral surgery

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Silva Mendes, L., Vasconcelos da Graça, R., Silva e Silva, E., Santiago Almeida Lima, M., Araujo Marvão, R., Vieira da Silva Gomes, C. E., & Roberto de Souza Fonseca, R. (2024). Root coverage by coronal advanced flap with subepithelial graft in unitary recession in anteroinferior region: case report. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 575–586.


Introduction: Gingival recession (GR) is a common problem in cases of patients with dental crowding, especially in the antero-inferior region due to the presence of thin tissue and poor positioning of the tooth in the arch. Objective: The objective of this work is to report a case of RG RTI of Cairo in dental element 31 treated with coronal slip associated with the use of subepithelial graft in the antero-inferior region. Case Report: A 32-year-old male patient, without systemic comorbidities and previous allergies, was referred to a dental clinic for a course in periodontics, in the city of Belém, northern Brazil, with the main complaint of dentin hypersensitivity (DH) in the anteroinferior region. During clinical examination, type 1 RG (RT1) was found in tooth 41, anterior dental crowding in the mandible without the presence of a non-carious cervical lesion, a thin and scalloped periodontal phenotype and no interproximal bone loss. The indicated treatment was root coverage using the coronal glide technique associated with autogenous graft, after pre-operative assessments and oral health conditioning, the surgery was performed with intrasulcular incisions on teeth 32, 31, 41 and 42, root conditioning of the recipient site and subsequently, the autogenous subepithelial graft from the hard palate was sutured and finally the flap was brought to the site with sutures. After 90 days of follow-up, partial coverage of tooth 41 was found, but there was no DH. Conclusion: It can be seen that the association between coronal slip and autogenous graft has satisfactory clinical results for increasing the range of keratinized mucosa and gaining the clinical level of attachment, but in cases of dental crowding it is necessary to link periodontal treatment with orthodontics.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Larissa Silva Mendes, Rhaisa Vasconcelos da Graça, Emilly Silva e Silva, Manoella Santiago Almeida Lima, Rodrigo Araujo Marvão, Carlos Eduardo Vieira da Silva Gomes, Ricardo Roberto de Souza Fonseca