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Psychiatric outpatient clinics. Treatment. Benefits.

How to Cite

Sá , E. G. de P., Miranda , P. H. A., Batista, L. N. de S., Alvin , H. D. M. S., Ribeiro, L. de S., Simão , S. E., Freitas , M. de S., Araújo , B. R. M. N., Baobá , V. D. de S., Oliveira , M. E. C., Guimarães, P. P. C., Pereira , S. G. P. J., Veras , K. G. de M., Vilaça, J. A. M., Luz , L. V. F. da, Faria, T. V. F. da L. de, Paiva , L. C., Portela , M. da S., Oliveira , K. J., Oliveira , M. V. G. M. de, Lopes, J. B. B., Almeida , L. de S., Assunção, C. A. L., & Júnior , J. L. A. (2024). ADHERENCE TO TREATMENT IN PSYCHIATRIC OUTPATIENTS: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 2517–2531.


Adherence to treatment in psychiatric laboratories, especially in low-income communities, is a complex challenge that requires innovative, patient-centered approaches. This study aimed to study the benefits of treatment adherence in psychiatric outpatient clinics. To this end, a systematic literature review was conducted, selecting scientific articles published between 2019 and 2024, available in the Scielo, Medline and Lilacs databases. From the critical analysis of the results, it was concluded that adherence to treatment in psychiatric outpatient clinics is fundamental for promoting mental health and the well-being of patients. However, in order to maximize the benefits and overcome the challenges associated with treatment adherence, more integrated approaches, ongoing research and a deeper understanding of patients' needs and experiences are needed.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Emanuely Gomes de Pádua Sá , Pedro Henrique Alves Miranda , Leonardo Nascimento de Sousa Batista, Halime Detiatin Moura Sauaia Alvin , Lorenna de Souza Ribeiro, Sahda Elouf Simão , Marisa de Sá Freitas , Bianca Regina Martins Nunes Araújo , Vivi Dias de Sousa Baobá , Maria Eduarda Coelho Oliveira , Pedro Paulo Cardoso Guimarães, Sâmia Gisely Pinto Jansen Pereira , Katiane Gomes de Melo Veras , Julyanna Assunção Monteiro Vilaça, Larissa Valéria Feio da Luz , Thaisa Viviane Feio da Luz de Faria, Luciana Cutrim Paiva , Monique da Silva Portela , Karolayne Joyce Oliveira , Marcela Victoria Goulart Melo de Oliveira , Julia Bretas Borges Lopes, Laís de Souza Almeida , Cleaide Ataíde Lima Assunção, José Lima Assuncao Júnior