Ozone therapy as adjunctive treatment in a patient with comorbid acute localized periodontitis
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Periodontitis, Ozone, Diabetes Mellitus, Systemic Arterial Hypertension.

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Faro Casseb, T., Lemos Drago, J., Mateus Dias de Souza, C., Resque Beckmann Carvalho, T., Faciola Pessoa de Oliveira, P. G. ., Fernandes de Menezes, S. A., de Souza Fonseca, R. R., Flexa Ribeiro Horta, D., Correa Flexa Ribeiro, K., & Brito Tanaka, E. (2022). Ozone therapy as adjunctive treatment in a patient with comorbid acute localized periodontitis: case report . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 4(6), 24–35. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2022v4n6p24-35


Introduction: The use of adjunctive therapies to the treatment of PD has shown significant improvement in cases, with ozone therapy (OT) being one of them. In the literature, OT has been used as an antimicrobial, immunomodulator, analgesic, tissue repair and anti-inflammatory.Objective: It aims to report a case of stage II periodontitis with exacerbation condition treated with non-surgical periodontal therapy associated with ozone therapy. Case Report: Male patient, 70 years old, type II diabetic and hypertensive, with both comorbidities controlled, attended the clinic specializing in periodontics of a college complaining about a purulent secretion that occurred recurrently in the upper and lower regions. Clinical examination revealed the presence of biofilm and dental calculus in both arches, absence of dental elements, grade III tooth mobility in elements 33, 43 and 44 and periodontal pockets with a depth greater than 10 mm and purulent secretion in elements 13, 14, 15 and 16. After medical clearance, treatment started with irrigation of ozonated water with a concentration of 60% in the suppuration areas and application of ozonized gel with a concentration of 10% for 7 days, followed by 2 sessions of non-surgical scaling and irrigation of ozonated water with a concentration of 60% in the areas of periodontal pockets, however, due to the non-reduction of probing depth in elements 13, 14, 15 and 16 open field scraping and irrigation of ozonated water were proposed. to 60% for decontamination of the regions. Conclusion: It is concluded that OT presented a positive result as an adjuvant therapy in the improvement of the patient's acute condition, however, it should be noted that conventional periodontal treatment and hygiene are not replaced by OT, but rather the combination of the three techniques.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Tamiris Faro Casseb, Juliana Lemos Drago, Caio Mateus Dias de Souza, Tábata Resque Beckmann Carvalho, Paula Gabriela Faciola Pessoa de Oliveira, Silvio Augusto Fernandes de Menezes, Ricardo Roberto de Souza Fonseca, Danielle Flexa Ribeiro Horta, Karina Correa Flexa Ribeiro, Erich Brito Tanaka