Characteristics of the use of electric scalpels in periodontics: an integrative review
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Surgical Incision. Electrosurgery. Periodontics.

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Lima, E. E. O. D. S. M., Ribeiro, C. E. N., Silva, G. de L., Silva, M. C. de M., Monte, M. E. C. do, Silva, G. R. de S., Sousa, A. C. S. M. de, Assunção, T. S. de, Oliveira, G. R. de A., Silva, L. A. E. da, Borba, S. M. V., Lima, G. N. M., Barbosa, E. de F., & Rizuto, A. V. (2024). Characteristics of the use of electric scalpels in periodontics: an integrative review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 1934–1946.


Objective: To gather information on the use of electric scalpels in dentistry, with a greater focus on periodontics. Methods: The proposed study is a narrative literature review. The results were obtained by reading articles, abstracts and case reports from 2010 to 2022, available in the Scielo, Pubmed, Virtual Health Library (BVS), Acervo+ Index base and LILACS databases. Providing a review of the most current information on the subject. Results: Electrosurgery (ES) is the term used in healthcare to describe the surgical technique of cutting and coagulating tissues using high-frequency electric current. In the field of periodontics, this technique is employed through the use of an electric scalpel. It provides professionals in the field with improved precision and control during periodontal procedures, contributing to better clinical and aesthetic results. Final considerations: In this way, the electric scalpel appears to be advantageous in periodontal surgical practice, although it requires prior training for professionals in order to be used correctly.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Emylly Evyn Oliveira Da Silva Matos Lima, Carlos Eduardo Nunes Ribeiro, Giovanna de Lima Silva, Maria Carolina de Melo Silva, Maria Eduarda Cardoso do Monte, Gabriella Rennisy de Sousa Silva, Aevellyn Cecília Salustiano Matos de Sousa, Gabriel Ronnier de Alencar Oliveira, Tallita Silva de Assunção, Luiz Antônio Evangelista da Silva, Suellen Mariana Vieira Borba, Grasielle Nunes Morais Lima, Eduardo de Farias Barbosa, Ariela Vilela Rizuto