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Health care models, Effectiveness, Challenges, Health System, Care Approaches.

How to Cite

Barbosa, T. M. S., Melo, A. L. A., Lopes , A. C., Dias , A. P., Guimaraes, D. M. C. de S., Texeira , G. B., Oliveira, L. C. de, Lopes, R. de S., Oliveira , R. P. de, Nogueira, V. R., & Santos , Y. F. dos. (2024). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF HEALTH CARE MODELS: APPROACHES, EFFECTIVENESS AND CHALLENGES . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 1367–1377.


The comparative analysis of health care models is essential to understand how different systems impact the quality, efficiency and equity of health care provided to populations. This comparison becomes even more pertinent in the current globalized context, where the exchange of information and best practices can benefit health systems around the world. The objective of this study is to explore different approaches to care models, evaluate their effectiveness in terms of health outcomes and identify the main challenges associated with their implementation and sustainability. To conduct this comparative analysis of health care models, we chose to carry out a narrative review of the literature. The search was carried out in the Scielo, PubMed and Google Scholar databases, selecting publications from the last twenty years, in Portuguese and English. The inclusion criteria focused on articles from peer-reviewed scientific journals, reports from recognized health organizations and academic dissertations that directly addressed the topic of health care models. Those studies that were not directly related to the topic or that were based on methodologically fragile or obsolete data were excluded from the analysis. This study revealed a wide variety of health care models, each with its own particular approaches, efficacies and challenges. The analysis highlighted that systems focused on primary care, such as the United Kingdom's National Health System and the Unified Health System in Brazil, are effective in promoting preventive care and managing chronic diseases. This study highlighted the diversity of approaches and the complexity of challenges faced by different health systems around the world. The comparative analysis made it possible to identify effective practices and areas that require improvement, highlighting the importance of adapting care models to the specific needs and contexts of each population. This study reinforces the need for evidence-based health policies and international collaboration to promote more efficient and equitable health systems globally.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Thamyres Maria Silva Barbosa, Adrielly Lorrane Azevedo Melo, Aline Costa Lopes , Andrey Pinho Dias , Daiane Maria Correia de Souza Guimaraes, Geoselita Borges Texeira , Lisandra Campos de Oliveira, Rafaela de Souza Lopes, Rayssa Paiva de Oliveira , Victória Ribeiro Nogueira, Yanna Ferreira dos Santos