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Comprehensive Care, Critical Patients, Urgency and Emergency

How to Cite

Nascimento, M. E. B. do, Melo , A. B. O. de, Santos, I. N. S. dos, Zorzan , W. N. M., Gelbcke , F. L., Santos , R. F. M. dos, Conceição, M. A. da, Silva , G. de L., Santos , E. F. dos, Silva , V. M. dos S., Serbim , A. L. da S. A., & Araújo, M. M. M. de. (2024). COMPREHENSIVE CARE AND PATIENT ATTENTION IN URGENCIES AND EMERGENCIES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 1387–1396.



Comprehensive patient care in urgent and crisis situations is essential to guarantee the quality and efficiency of healthcare. This study presents a comprehensive review of the literature exploring approaches and strategies to provide this comprehensive care, considering the complexity of these scenarios. Through the analysis of various studies and professional literature, the most important components that make up a comprehensive approach to critical situations are identified. These approaches include effective screening, interprofessional communication, and implementation of up-to-date medical protocols and consideration of the patient's psychosocial needs. The literature review highlights the importance of properly coordinating healthcare team training and resources to ensure comprehensive and effective patient care in emergencies and crises. Comprehensive patient care in emergency and crisis situations is a difficult challenge, but essential to guarantee the success of healthcare in these situations. This study highlights the need for multidisciplinary approaches, well-defined protocols and effective communication between the healthcare team to ensure that all dimensions of a patient's health are addressed. Additionally, attention to the patient's psychosocial and emotional needs plays a vital role in recovery and overall well-being. Therefore, investments are needed in team training and adequate coordination of resources to provide comprehensive care to patients in emergency and crisis situations.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Eduarda Bezerra do Nascimento, Ana Beatriz Oliveira de Melo , Isabella Noemi Silva dos Santos, Wilma Nunes Martins Zorzan , Francine Lima Gelbcke , Rivaldo Felipe Monteiro dos Santos , Marcos Antonio da Conceição, Gislany de Lima Silva , Erika Fernanda dos Santos , Victor Manassés dos Santos Silva , Ana Lucia da Silva Araujo Serbim , Marcela Mariana Muniz de Araújo