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Anxiety disorder
Generalized anxiety

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Soares , I. V. A., Dutra , M. C. M. de F., Sá , R. R., Leal , M. V. C. B., Almeida , Y. F. N. de, Parente , L. B., Deus , M. C. B. de, Milhomem , J. V. B., Grisani , A., Silva , L. A. da, Oliveira , N. B. de, Macedo , L. M., Freitas , M. B. S., Melo, R. S. G. de, & Gonçalves , S. A. (2024). GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER: FROM DIAGNOSIS TO TREATMENT . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(5), 1397–1406.


An integrative literature review is presented on generalized anxiety disorder, its clinical and epidemiological aspects, as well as the impact of this condition on the individual's life. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a neurological condition that can affect various activities or events in an individual's life, since the symptoms are usually excessive anxiety and worry that are disproportionate to the actual likelihood or impact of the anticipated event. These symptoms are difficult to control and cause suffering or impairment in social, professional or other areas of functioning. Diagnostic criteria are used to define the condition, which can coexist with other comorbidities. There is a need for a multidisciplinary team to intervene to improve patients' quality of life, as well as treatment aimed at the various aspects of this disorder.
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Schönhofen, F.L., et al. Transtorno de ansiedade generalizada entre estudantes de cursos de pré-vestibular. Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, vol. 69, n. 3, Rio de Janeiro, 2020.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Isadora Veras Araújo Soares , Maria Cristina Magalhães de Freitas Dutra , Rayanne Reis Sá , Marcio Victor Cavalcante Borges Leal , Yago Felipe Nascimento de Almeida , Laila Browne Parente , Marcos Castelo Branco de Deus , João Victor Braga Milhomem , André Grisani , Luan Alves da Silva , Nathan Barros de Oliveira , Luna Marques Macedo , Maria Bianca Santos Freitas , Rafaela Seuring Gonçalves de Melo, Sabrina Alexandre Gonçalves