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Heart defects; genetics to the disease; cardiovascular risk factors, genetic ancestry

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Silva, E. M. G. da, Silva , E. F. F. da, Costa , I. B. O. da, Carmo, A. S. M. do, Assunção, L. J. B., Pereira, V. da C., Alfaia , A. O., Gomes , D. C., Sousa, O. M. C. de, Baptista , L. de M. S. P. F., Leal , A. K. M. P., & Dias, A. P. (2024). ROLE OF GENETICS IN PREDISPOSITION TO HEART DISEASE . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(4), 1953–1965.


Genetic predisposition to heart disease is an area of ​​growing interest in medicine, as scientific evidence suggests that certain genetic variants may significantly increase the risk of developing conditions such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. Objectives: Provide concise insight into how genetics influence individual predisposition to heart disease. Methodology: To obtain data, resources from the following repositories were used: Nursing Database (BDENF), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed and Latin American Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). A variety of sources, including scientific articles, monographs and journals, were examined to extract pertinent information on the subject. Results and Discussions:  Genetic studies reveal that certain genetic variants are linked to increased risk of heart diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. However, it is important to note that genetic predisposition is not the only determining factor; Environmental and behavioral influences also play a crucial role. An integrated approach is essential to understand and adequately address the genetic predisposition to heart disease. Conclusion: In conclusion, genetics plays an important role in predisposition to heart disease, influencing an individual's risk of developing cardiovascular conditions. However, the interplay between genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors is critical to fully understanding this predisposition and to developing effective prevention and treatment approaches. A deeper understanding of these aspects can lead to more personalized and targeted interventions, thus improving the cardiovascular health of the population.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Eliana Marques Gomes da Silva, Erika Fernanda Fernandes da Silva , Isabela Beatriz Oliveira da Costa , Alaíne Sttefany Martins do Carmo, Leila Jane Brito Assunção, Vitória da Costa Pereira, Amanda Osman Alfaia , Daniela Cavalgante Gomes , Ohana Maria Coelho de Sousa, Liège de Moura Santos Pereira Ferraz Baptista , Anne Kaline Marques Portela Leal , Aguinaldo Pereira Dias