Animal mistreatment and link theory.
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Animal abuse
Bond theory

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Rufino, P. H. Q., Sousa, F. dos S., Belettini, S. T., Dissenha, A., Boscarato, A. G., Paula, D. S. de, Rosina, L. M. J., Leitzke, A. V. S., Borges, T. B., Broch, N. R. A., Sá, T. C. de, & Quessada, A. M. (2024). Animal mistreatment and link theory . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(4), 2603–2621.


The present review aims to carry out a literature survey on the association between crimes against animals and crimes against people. For this, a search was carried out on scientific websites using terms related to the topic. Through the analysis of the rescued articles, it was recorded that animal abuse is part of the reality of all populations. However, it is necessary to pay attention to cruelty against animals, since, according to the Link Theory, violence can extend to other crimes. Studies show that cases of animal violence perpetuated by people occur before they carry out more barbaric crimes against human beings. It is estimated that animal abusers are five times more likely than non-abusers to commit violent crimes against people, four times more likely to commit property crimes and three times more likely to have a record of drug offenses. However, most crimes against animals are ignored due to lack of notification. An important aspect is that the veterinarian can identify cases of abuse against animals, becoming the link in communicating these crimes to the authorities, consequently, contributing to the prevention of future violence against animals and even against people. It is concluded that animal abuse is a sentinel for violence against humans. Therefore, law and health professionals must view cruelty against animals as a public safety problem.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Pedro Henrique Quessada Rufino, Fábio dos Santos Sousa, Salviano Tramontim Belettini, Adriely Dissenha, André Giarola Boscarato, Dalila Soares de Paula, Leonardo Matheus Jagelski Rosina, Arthur Venicius Sbaraini Leitzke, Talita Bianchin Borges, Natália Regina Alexandrino Broch, Thaís Camaso de Sá, Ana Maria Quessada