Tórus mandibular como enxerto ósseo autógeno para instalação de implantes osseointegrados: uma revisão sistemática
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Implante Dentário, Enxerto Ósseo, Exostoses, Aumento do Rebordo Alveolar.

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CRISTINA CIPRIANO DE CARVALHO, L., SOUSA, M. E. B. D., SOUSA, I. A. D., BRAZ, R. D. S., SILVA, A. K. D. S., & FIALHO, A. C. V. (2024). Tórus mandibular como enxerto ósseo autógeno para instalação de implantes osseointegrados: uma revisão sistemática. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(4), 1558–1570. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n4p1558-1570


Introduction: The loss of dental elements leads to alveolar changes through a progressive and
chronic process of bone resorption, affecting the installation of osseointegrated implants and
consequently their functional and aesthetic success, often requiring bone grafting in these
atrophic areas. The use of mandibular torus as an autogenous graft has an excellent prognosis
due to its properties that are compatible with the recipient area, in addition to having a
shorter clinical time and lower cost. Objective: To analyze the literature on the use of bone
graft derived from mandibular torus as a donor source for reconstruction of atrophic areas
with a view to installing osseointegrated implants. Methodology: An systematic review was
carried out in order to analyze the literature on the use of bone graft derived from mandibular
torus as a donor source for reconstruction of atrophic area aiming at the installation of
osseointegrated implants. Scientific articles without language restrictions were searched in
three electronic databases: PubMed, Google Scholar and VHL, using the descriptors ''Dental
Implant'', ''Bone Graft'', ''Exostoses'', ''Alveolar Ridge Augmentation '', searched using the
Boolean operator “AND''. Results: A total of 13 articles were included in the final analysis.
Twenty-four patients underwent removal of the mandibular torus and its use as an
autogenous graft to increase the alveolar ridge. No patient had surgical complications or
immunological rejection. Twenty-two patients were followed to confirm new bone formation,
through imaging exams and histological analysis, with bone formation with histological
characteristics and density similar to native bone. Finally, a total of nine implants were
installed in the bone graft region, without presenting failures in osseointegration or
pathological bone resorption. Conclusion: The use of the mandibular torus as an autograft is
viable for increasing the alveolar ridge, being a safe and effective alternative. Bone
neoformation and density after grafting presented characteristics similar to native bone,
contributing to future rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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