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vegetarian diet in pregnancy, vegan diet, macronutrients and micronutrients, nutritional deficiencies, fetal development.

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Rodrigues, S. T. F. de P., Souza, R. F., Mourão, T. M., Hidalgo, M. da C. S. R., Santos , D. C., Morais, F. de, Scolari, V. V. C., Barbeiro, J. P. N., Magalhães, C. B., Lima, M. T. F. de, & Fonseca, O. V. A. (2024). CONSEQUENCES OF ADOPTING A VEGETARIAN DIET DURING PREGNANCY: A NARRATIVE ANALYSIS . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 2214–2241.


Pregnancy is an interval in which feeding requires an adequate nutritional matrix, which becomes essential for proper fetal growth. An unbalanced nutritional state has been correlated with adverse pregnancy and childbirth outcomes. At present, vegetarian diets are on the rise, but they can lead to an increase in nutritional and energy deficiencies. This study seeks to examine the data available in the scientific literature and determine whether a vegetarian diet has repercussions on pregnancy.  This is a descriptive analysis of the scientific literature, with bibliographic research on research platforms such as: Pubmed, Scielo, Lilacs, BVS among others with studies published between the years 2010 to 2021. The following descriptors were used as inclusion criteria: "Vegetarian Diet in Pregnancy", "Vegan Diet", "Macronutrients and Micronutrients", "Nutritional Deficiency" and "Fetal Development", with a search for articles available in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Therefore, to ensure that the needs of pregnant women are met, the adoption of a vegetarian diet must be planned and adjusted to the physiological demands of the pregnant woman and to proper fetal development. Appropriate prenatal counseling is essential. In addition, the literature suggests a relationship between nutritional deficiencies and possible complications in the mother's health, although the scientific evidence is inconclusive.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Shirley Thaynáh Figueirêdo de Paiva Rodrigues, Rebeca Ferreira Souza, Thiago Melo Mourão, Maíra da Costa Silva Rendon Hidalgo, Daniel Carvalho Santos , Fabiana de Morais, Vitória Valentina Carvalho Scolari, João Pedro Negrelli Barbeiro, Clara Botelho Magalhães, Manuella Teles Fernandes de Lima, Olympio Vittor Arcúrio Fonseca