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Comprehensive health care
Patient Care Team
Dental Staff, Hospital

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Arruda, C. D., Santos, M. M. B. dos, Filho, A. C. de M., Sá , A. V. O., Santos , M. F., Concutelli , P. O., Silva, Y. de A., Alves , R. C., Marçal , I. E. B., Azevedo , E. S. de, Lima, J. C. F. D., Silva, M. A. de S., Lima, E. J. A., & Melo, K. B. (2024). INTEGRAÇÃO DA EQUIPE MULTIPROFISSIONAL NA ODONTOLOGIA HOSPITALAR. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(3), 1366–1377.


Objective: To analyze the relevance of integrating the multiprofessional team in hospital dentistry. Methodology: This is a broad review of the literature in which the construction of the research is based on the question "What is the relevance of the integration of the multiprofessional team in hospital dentistry?". The research was conducted in 2024, by consulting the BBO, LILACS databases and the VHL Regional Portal.  Results: The integration of the multiprofessional team in hospital dentistry plays a key role in promoting oral health and comprehensive care for hospitalized patients. This collaborative approach, highlighted by several studies, not only prevents oral infections and the transmission of microorganisms, but also contributes to the prevention of systemic complications, infection control, cost reduction and shorter hospital stays. Working together allows for a holistic approach, considering oral, systemic and psychosocial aspects, resulting in comprehensive, humanized and safe care. Conclusion: In short, the integration of the multi-professional team in hospital dentistry goes beyond oral needs, contributing to a global, coordinated approach and improving the quality of care and the overall outcome of treatment.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Catiane Dias Arruda, Márcia Mônica Borges dos Santos, Adrião Cruz de Moura Filho, Alcides Victor Oliveira Sá , Mayanna Ferreira Santos , Paulo Oliveira Concutelli , Yara de Araujo Silva, Rodrigo Cabra Alves , Ismênia Edwirges Bernardes Marçal , Elielson Santos de Azevedo , Jéssica Carolini Ferreira Delgado Lima, Marcelo Antônio de Souza Silva, Elaynne Jeyssa Alves Lima, Karolyne Borges Melo