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Breastfeeding, Usual Risk, Education and Health.

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Leal , B. A. de S., Rosa , V. H. J. da, Vizzotto , D., Costa , B. B. F. da, Franco, A. P. M. M. de L., Maracaipe , M. S., Machado, M. G. P. L., Lourenço , L. de F. F., Souza, J. K. T. de, Araújo, J. M. de S., Griebeler , G. L. R., Santana, C. C., Nunes, M., Brito, J. S., & Freire , A. L. M. (2024). "BREASTFEEDING AND ITS MAIN DIFFICULTIES WITHIN THE USUAL RISK" BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 1003–1017. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n2p1003-1017


Breastfeeding should be exclusive until six months of age. Therefore, the habit of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) helps the health not only of the child, but also of the mother, who benefits from many of the advantages. Many women are faced with challenges related to milk production, emotional and social issues, nutritional status and well-being of the baby, lifestyle in general, as well as discomfort and difficulty in breastfeeding and correct positioning of the baby at the breast, which can lead to the interruption of this protective behavior. It is essential that health professionals who work in primary care receive adequate training and are updated through courses, in order to offer adequate assistance to pregnant women, mothers and children in relation to breastfeeding in Primary Care. The objective of this study is to propose that health professionals provide guidance on breastfeeding during prenatal care and prevent breastfeeding complications. This research is based on an integrated review of scientific literature. Data collection was carried out in the VHL (Virtual Health Library), SciELO and PUBMED databases, between the months of October and November 2022. Several articles from the current bibliography were listed, using keywords such as: “Breastfeeding” , “Prenatal Care”, “Role of the Nurse” and “Health Education”, previously consulted in the DEC's (Health Sciences Descriptors). Results and discussion: Following the analysis of the database and descriptors, 10 studies were selected for evaluation of the full texts and were used to create the present research, and the following topics were discussed: The advantages of infant feeding with milk maternal; guidance on breastfeeding health and the participation of nurses and the multidisciplinary team in prenatal care. In summary, we also highlight the contributions relating to the subject under discussion that will be extremely useful for future professional performance in the health sector, in which the learning acquired will certainly have an influence on the establishment of effective and committed care, prioritizing comprehensive guidelines on the feeding with breast milk.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Brenda Alexia de Sousa Leal , Victor Hugo Júlio da Rosa , Dianefer Vizzotto , Bárbara Brenda Ferreira da Costa , Anna Paula Mendes Marques de Lima Franco, Mirielly Santos Maracaipe , Maria Genice Pereira Linhares Machado, Lidiane de Fátima Felipe Lourenço , Jessey Kamila Tavares de Souza, Juliana Moreira de Souza Araújo, Giovanna Lucilla Ramos Griebeler , Catharina Carvalho Santana, Marisete Nunes, Jaíne Silva Brito, Ana Lua Marinho Freire