Manejo Terapêutico do Paciente com Gangrena de Fournier: Revisão de Literatura
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Fournier's gangrene
Therapeutic indication
Necrotizing Fasciitis

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Matos Falcão de Andrade, C., Carneiro Vieira, I., Aguiar Muniz Feitosa, L., Milena Siqueira Moura, M., Guimarães, R. V., Souza Nobre, V., Pontes Cavalcante , Y., Veras de Sousa, I., Veras de Sousa, Ítalo, Martins Pereira, L. D., Bezerra de Alencar, V., Nascimento da Silva, Y., Cavalcante Lima, A. K., Alcântara Coutinho, A. B., Queiros Pinheiro, E., Aderaldo Motta, L., Moises Veras , M., César Cavalcante Coutinho, C., Magalhães Xerez Silva, A., Torquato de Araujo Gonçalves, D., Villena Teixeira Santos Silva, P., & José Mont Alverne Silva Filho , A. (2024). Manejo Terapêutico do Paciente com Gangrena de Fournier: Revisão de Literatura. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 640–649.


This Fournier syndrome, known as Fournier Gangrene, is a serious polymicrobial
infection that mainly affects the perineum and genital region. The research, an
integrative review between 2020 and 2024, resulted in the analysis of 41 articles, of
which 6 were selected. The incidence is higher in men, with an increase after the age of
50. The results point to several sources of technology, highlighting skin, urological and
gastrointestinal. The pathophysiology involves endarteritis obliterans, ischemia and
thrombosis, leading to necrosis. The progression of the disease is divided into four
phases, with the third phase characterized by general signs and severe infectious
syndrome, which can lead to septic shock. Treatment includes broad-spectrum
antibiotics, surgical debridement and, in severe cases, superficial scrotal debridement.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is considered an adjuvant, periodic at the request of
microorganisms and stimulating healing. It concludes by highlighting the urgency of
early diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment, given the rapid progression of necrosis
and high rates of morbidity and mortality associated with Fournier syndrome. The
research contributes to clinical understanding and highlights the importance of
improving knowledge for a correct diagnosis and improving treatment conditions.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Caroline Matos Falcão de Andrade, Iana Carneiro Vieira, Leonardo Aguiar Muniz Feitosa, Marla Milena Siqueira Moura, Ranna Victoria Guimarães, Victor Souza Nobre, Yago Pontes Cavalcante , Iasmim Veras de Sousa, Ítalo Veras de Sousa, Luiz Davi Martins Pereira, Vitória Bezerra de Alencar, Yan Nascimento da Silva, Alexya Kelly Cavalcante Lima, Ana Beatriz Alcântara Coutinho, Emily Queiros Pinheiro, Lílian Aderaldo Motta, Matheus Moises Veras , Caio César Cavalcante Coutinho, Amanda Magalhães Xerez Silva, Davi Torquato de Araujo Gonçalves, Paula Villena Teixeira Santos Silva, Alexandre José Mont Alverne Silva Filho