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Vigilância em Saúde
Meio Ambiente
Análise epidemiológica

How to Cite

Afonso Cabral, M. V., Mesquita de Sousa , A., Amaral Tillmann , I. I., Belém Reis , P., Bitencourt e Bitencourt , E., Sousa Gama , E., dos Santos Benjamin , J. V., das Neves Martins , F. E., Cardoso Valadares Prestes, M. do S., & Carvalho de Araújo, J. A. (2024). VIGILÂNCIA EM SAÚDE PÚBLICA: ANÁLISE EPIDEMIOLÓGICA DAS ÁGUAS RESIDUAIS, PÓS-COVID-19. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 361–374.


The concept of wastewater epidemiology (Wastewater-Based Epidemiology - WBE) has the potential for significant advances for public health. By identifying biomarkers in sewage samples, disease monitoring techniques can be transformed, resulting in better decision making and rapid implementation of prevention, control and treatment interventions by health organizations. In view of this, the objective of this research was to identify and present the benefits and obstacles of wastewater epidemiology for disease monitoring and guide public health surveillance measures. The methodology employed in this research involved a thorough analysis of 10 scientific articles from the databases, Medline, Scielo, BVS and Pubmed. The articles, published between 2019 and 2023, provided valuable information on the importance of conducting wastewater epidemiological analyzes and their correlation with sanitary surveillance. As a result, the study showed that the analysis of biomarkers found in human excretion provides valuable information on a variety of aspects. This includes population estimates, early detection of infectious disease outbreaks, such as those caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Covid-19), drug consumption, adherence to prescribed pharmacological treatments, development of antimicrobial resistance, exposure to pollutants and harmful toxins, food safety. and disease mapping in the population. Thus, it is concluded that in a fast and economical way the life and well-being of the population, the incorporation and implementation of standardized and efficient procedures in various programs proved to be highly effective. The dependence of surveillance, especially in developing countries, is a topic of great interest.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Marcos Vinicius Afonso Cabral, Amauri Mesquita de Sousa , Ingrid Inez Amaral Tillmann , Phamella Belém Reis , Emanoelen Bitencourt e Bitencourt , Eliege Sousa Gama , João Vitor dos Santos Benjamin , Fernanda Eduarda das Neves Martins , Marizete do Socorro Cardoso Valadares Prestes, José Augusto Carvalho de Araújo