Guided surgery for total superior rehabilitation with implants using the All-On-4 technique: Case report
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Cirurgia Assistida por Computador
Reabilitação oral
próteses e implantes

How to Cite

Santos , A. K. M. C. dos, Barboza, A. S., & Sales, P. H. da H. (2024). Guided surgery for total superior rehabilitation with implants using the All-On-4 technique: Case report . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 243–255.


With technological advances becoming more and more pronounced in science, implant dentistry is searching for more appropriate solutions that aim to improve patients' quality of life. Nowadays, the total rehabilitation of edentulous jaws with bone loss and maxillary atrophy has been a challenge in many cases, and aiming to avoid the use of grafts, reduce treatment time and meet the patient's expectations, the All-on-four protocol, With the help of guided surgery, they have proven to be an excellent alternative for these cases. The All-on-four protocol is a method that consists of placing four implants with immediate loading, based on the principle of four longer implants providing primary stability without the need to use any type of graft. This study aimed to report a case of total oral maxillary rehabilitation using dental implants using the All-on-four technique associated with guided surgery, with the aim of evaluating its characteristics and contraindications, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of using it. . The patient in question was carefully evaluated, taking into account her main complaint and her clinical conditions. Using digital planning using the implantviewer software (Brazil), it was possible to install dental implants using the All-on-four technique. In the first stage, scanning was carried out to create the surgical guide, then the surgery was performed and the guide was fixed in the region with the help of fixation pins. The planning, mainly due to flapless surgery, provided greater precision and shorter surgical time. 48 hours after surgery, the temporary prosthesis was installed and chewing function was established. The patient has been monitored for a year, since the installation of the definitive prosthesis, she has adequate aesthetics and reestablished chewing function. It is concluded that this technique can be a great ally in the rehabilitation of complex cases, within the limits of this case report.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Anny Kerolayne Moreira Cavalcante dos Santos , Andressa Santos Barboza, Pedro Henrique da Hora Sales