Cardiorespiratory Consequences of Electronic Cigarettes: Current Perspectives
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electronic cigarettes

How to Cite

Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Silva , B. de A. M. da, Sousa , A. S. P. de, leite, A. K. A., Sandri , A., Araújo , C. M., Henrique , C. F. A., Solobodziam , C., Nascimento , G. da S., Fritsch, G. G., Chaves, G. A., Barth , G. O., Cândido , I. F., Rubin , I. F. de S., Cardoso, L. K. B., Rodrigues , N. M. P., Gonçalves , K. M., Calmon, M. F. B. F., Polycarpo , R. B., Sousa, S. E. P. de, & Dias, V. M. (2024). Cardiorespiratory Consequences of Electronic Cigarettes: Current Perspectives. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 281–288.


This paper presents a comprehensive review of the cardiovascular impacts of electronic cigarette use, based on a critical analysis of the available scientific literature. The results highlight a variety of significant findings, including immediate acute effects such as increased heart rate and blood pressure after electronic cigarette use, as well as potential long-term adverse effects such as endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress. While some studies suggest that electronic cigarettes may represent a less harmful alternative to conventional smoking, there is still considerable uncertainty regarding their long-term effects on cardiovascular health. These findings underscore the importance of further research to elucidate underlying mechanisms and inform public health policies and clinical practices related to electronic cigarette use.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 José Lucas Moura Vasconcelos, Bruna de Aquino Morais da Silva , Ana Sunamita Pereira de Sousa , Andressa Karoline Alves leite, Alessandra Sandri , Carina Marien Araújo , Caroline Fernanda Alexandre Henrique , Claudia Solobodziam , Gabriel da Silva Nascimento , Guilherme Alves Chaves, Gustavo Oscar Barth , Isabella Felisberto Cândido , Izadorah Ferreira de Souza Rubin , Luisa Kecyane Batista Cardoso, Nadja Mara Pondé Rodrigues , Kauara Marcelino Gonçalves , Maria Fernanda Barros Freitas Calmon, Rafaela Bollini Polycarpo , Sara Elem Pereira de Sousa, Vanessa Moraes Dias