Perspectives on Therapies for Parkinson's Disease: Investigating Neuroprotectors and Progression Modifiers
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Parkinson's disease

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Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Leite , A. K. A., Teixeira, A. da S., Barreto , B. D. R., Pinaty , C. M. Z., Henrique , C. F. A., Dall’Agnol, D. J., Brito , G. V., Viana , G. P., Bonatti , H. M. M., Capatto , J. M. P., Gonçalves , K. M., Rodrigues , L. C. H., Godinho , L. C. N., Lima , M. E. A., Costa , M. F. M., Cruz , M. H. da, Cardoso , R. A. R., Guimarães , R. G. S., Bomfim, S. A. C., & Silva , T. M. R. D. (2024). Perspectives on Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease: Investigating Neuroprotectors and Progression Modifiers. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 633–639.


This review addressed advances in the development of neuroprotective and progression-modifying therapies in Parkinson's disease (PD). Literature analysis highlighted the potential of therapeutic strategies based on antioxidants, gene therapy, and other innovative approaches to slow down PD progression. The results of reviewed studies suggest that these therapies show significant promise in reducing motor symptoms and preserving dopaminergic function. However, challenges such as PD heterogeneity and lack of robust biomarkers remain significant obstacles to translating these findings into effective therapies. Ongoing research and interdisciplinary collaboration are essential to drive innovation and transform these promising therapeutic perspectives into clinical reality.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 José Lucas Moura Vasconcelos, Andressa Karoline Alves Leite , Anisia da Silva Teixeira, Bárbara Dayann Rocha Barreto , Carla Maria Zanelli Pinaty , Caroline Fernanda Alexandre Henrique , Dhemer Jhony Dall'Agnol, Giovanna Vieira Brito , Giovana Pereira Viana , Heloísa Maria Marson Bonatti , Julia Maria Prestes Capatto , Kauara Marcelino Gonçalves , Larissa Cunha Hipolito Rodrigues , Luana Cruz Nunes Godinho , Maria Eugênia Abílio Lima , Maria Fernanda Monteiro Costa , Mariana Horn da Cruz , Radhija Albuquerque Rocha Cardoso , Renata Gomes Santos Guimarães , Samuel Antunes Correia Bomfim, Thiago Matheus Ribeiro Da Silva