Estudo sobre o uso de benzodiazepínicos em idosos
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Palavras-chave: Benzodiazepínicos, idosos e interações medicamentosas.

How to Cite

Franco Tafner Cossa, L., Pizzo Pereira, L., Cruz Magalhães, T., de Oliveira Silva, I., Gastaldelo, V., Morandin Gambaroto Milan de Andrade, G., & Cristine Marini, D. (2024). Estudo sobre o uso de benzodiazepínicos em idosos. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(2), 923–936.


This article aimed to analyze the consumption of benzodiazepines, which are important drugs and are among the best-selling anxiolytics in the world, to show that despite good adherence and low toxicity, they are still contraindicated for the elderly, especially among the elderly, risks and drug interactions, dependence , suspension, among others. Data shows us that its high consumption is related to an increase in psychological disorders. The elderly population presents greater changes in pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. The survey through a questionnaire brought data for greater understanding, drug interactions, risks and difficulties in weaning. For this research, 82 people were interviewed through a questionnaire with 18 questions, of which 40 elderly people were interviewed in the questionnaire, 20% of whom were men and 80% women, 45.7% do not have a paid job and 54.3% have a paid job, 43.2% did not use benzodiazepines and 56.8 did. Regarding which medication was used, 8.6% bromazepam, 8.6% alprazolan, 17.1% others, 28.6% clonazepam and 37.1% diazepam. Regarding treatment time, 8.6% less than 8 weeks, 25.7% more than 5 years, 28.6% more than 1 year, 37.1% take it only when necessary. Regarding the question regarding indication, 5.7% were friends and 94.3% were doctors. For the question about what purpose it takes, 5.7% nervousness, 8.6% others, 40% insomnia and 42.9% anxiety. If used with other medications, 38.2% only this one and 58.8% between 2 and 5 medications. Of those interviewed, 11.4% tried to stop taking it a few times, 17.1% tried and were unable to stop, 25.7% stopped on the first attempt and 45.7% never tried to stop and 45.7% of those interviewed took it in a regular. In conclusion, the research observed the difficulty in weaning, the risk of drug interactions, most of which are medical indications, drawing attention to the need for an appropriate protocol for use.

Keywords: Benzodiazepines, elderly people and drug interactions.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Luciana Franco Tafner Cossa, Lívia Pizzo Pereira, Thainá Cruz Magalhães, Ingrid de Oliveira Silva, Victoria Gastaldelo, Geórgia Morandin Gambaroto Milan de Andrade, Danyelle Cristine Marini