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Pulp Nodule; Endodontics; Ultrassonic

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Oliveira , A. L. de A., Fontenele , T. S. da S., Santos , M. L. dos, Pinheiro, R. T. F. de L., Carvalho , D. R., Carvalho , A. A. de S., Chaves , M. das G. A. de M., Ávila , M. P. de, Almeida , D. R. de M. F., Lima , S. D. S. M., Cavalcanti , M. E. F. R., & Mendes , A. A. (2024). CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF PULP CALCIFICATION IN LOWER MOLAR. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 1347–1357.


This study aims to investigate the intricate dynamics of the dental pulp, examining its adaptive responses to different stimuli and the clinical challenges related to calcifications, using sources obtained from the PubMed, Scielo and Google Scholar platforms. The results of this study provide a comprehensive insight into the dynamics of the dental pulp, adaptive responses to injury, and the clinical implications of calcifications. The clarification between observations in coronary arteries and the challenges in endodontic surgery highlights the need for a multidisciplinary and personalized approach in dental practice to improve clinical results. By incorporating knowledge from different disciplines, we seek to provide a solid foundation for future advances in research and clinical practice, promoting a more effective and personalized approach to managing conditions related to the dental pulp.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Letícia de Albuquerque Oliveira , Tatiana Santos da Silva Fontenele , Melquisedeque Lisboa dos Santos , Rebeca Thalita Félix de Lima Pinheiro, Danielle Raya Carvalho , Amanda Andressa de Souza Carvalho , Maria das Graças Afonso de Miranda Chaves , Mayara Pereira de Ávila , Dennys Ramon de Melo Fernandes Almeida , Sabryna Dicksan Silva Meira Lima , Maria Eduarda Falcão Reis Cavalcanti , Amanda Almeida Mendes