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Third molar, Impacted teeth, Oral surgery, and Surgical complications.

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Oliveira , M. da S., Costa, M. T. A., Torres , S. de A., Júnior , N. J. de O., Loss , A. de O., Abreu , L. R. L., Novaes , J. V. de S., Braga , J. A. C., Araujo , E. de M., Lopes , W. V., Barreto, R. S. A., Neto , P. dos S., Loures , V. B., & Becheleni, M. T. (2024). EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF CHALLENGES IN THIRD MOLAR EXTRACTION SURGERIES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 1335–1346. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n1p1335-1346


Third molar extraction is a common surgical intervention in dentistry, but it can present challenges due to the complex anatomy that the region can present. Complications during or after the procedure can range from temporary discomfort to more serious problems. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore strategies for efficiently managing these challenges, highlighting the importance of prior assessment and surgical planning and technology applications. METHODOLOGY: A comprehensive literature review was carried out, using PubMed and Google Scholar, with terms such as "Third molar", "impacted teeth" and "surgical complications". The careful selection considered the contribution to research and reliability, with Lakatos and Marconi (2017) being key references. The analysis only included articles in Portuguese to ensure accurate interpretation. DISCUSSION: Risk factors, such as anatomical position, patient age and systemic conditions, were identified as crucial. Post-surgical complications, related to inflammation and infection, require prior analysis to determine the need for antibiotic therapy. The review addressed the importance of anamnesis, imaging exams and asepsis protocols New technologies, such as CBCT, 3D printing, diode lasers and ultrasound. CONCLUSION: The study concludes that third molar extraction requires a careful and preventive approach. The identification of risk factors, the application of preventive strategies and the use of innovative technologies are fundamental to the success of the surgery.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Mirlly da Silva Oliveira , Maria Taywri Almeida Costa, Sandy de Azevedo Torres , Nery José de Oliveira Júnior , Andressa de Oliveira Loss , Lucas Rafael Lobato Abreu , João Victor de Sá Novaes , José Antônio Carvalho Braga , Eduardo de Medeiros Araujo , Welton Vicente Lopes , Ronny Santos Araújo Barreto, Pedro dos Santos Neto , Vitor Bedim Loures , Marco Túllio Becheleni