Erysipelas: Exploring Contamination and Incidence of Lesions Caused by Bacterial Infection
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Erysipelas, Incidence, Bacterial Infection.

How to Cite

Giroto, C. P., Rocha , M. E. de S. B., Pinto, N. N. S., Lima , R. C. de, Chikui, B. Y. O., Souza, G. L. de, Yavorek , L. V., Andrade , L. F. de, Lopes , I. M., Amaral, K. de A., Santos, J. N. S., Lima , F. de A. R., & Zanoni, R. D. (2024). Erysipelas: Exploring Contamination and Incidence of Lesions Caused by Bacterial Infection. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(1), 17–28.


Introduction: Erysipelas is a pathological condition resulting from skin infection, often triggered by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes. The disease can be triggered by several factors, including vulnerability in the skin barrier, poor blood circulation, immunological compromise and lymphatic disorders, thus highlighting the importance of a holistic approach in preventing this skin infection. Objective: To understand the contamination of erysipelas and the incidence of lesions caused by bacterial infection. Methodology: The Pubmed, Cochrane and MedLine databases were used, searching for articles published between 2015 and 2023, in Portuguese or English. Conclusion: Immediate and adequate medical follow-up is essential for better treatment and recovery from erysipelas, which despite not being a contagious disease, can promote skin complications from the emergence of a new infectious agent.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Caroline Prado Giroto, Maria Eduarda de Sá Bonifácio Rocha , Northon Nairon Santos Pinto, Raiane Cardanha de Lima , Beatriz Yumi Osaki Chikui, Gabriela Leite de Souza, Laieny Ventura Yavorek , Larissa Fernandes de Andrade , Isabela Machado Lopes , Kenia de Andrade Amaral, Jaiana Nascimento Souza Santos, Felipe de Assis Rocha Lima , Rodrigo Daniel Zanoni