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Cardiomyopathies; Cardiac insufficiency; Congestive heart failure; Echocardiogram.

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Gama, K. M. da, Cunha, Ítalo Íris B. R. da, Benchimol, D., Jahn , A. P., Jahn , I., Silva , L. G. S. da, Coelho, N. M. F., Negreiros , M. N. G., Aguiar , A. L. P. de, Motta, M. C., Neto, A. C. da S. A., & Melo, L. F. S. de. (2023). NON COMPACT MYOCARDIOPATHY: TRIAD DUE TO CONGENITAL HEART FAILURE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 6619–6633.


Introduction: Non-compacted cardiomyopathy (NCM) is a disease that occurs in families, with a high risk of sudden death due to its involvement in the myocardial chamber, and is also one of the main pathologies with the development of heart failure. It is considered unclassified cardiomyopathy by the Health Organization (WHO). MNC is the result of a genetic alteration, which affects the process of myocardial compaction, with the presence of trabeculations and deep recesses that are responsible for communication with the ventricular cavity. Objectives: Refers to the study of non-compacted cardiomyopathy, focusing on diagnosis, treatment and classifications relating to the heart failure triad. Methodology: This is descriptive research of the narrative literature review type, which sought to highlight aspects of cardiomyopathies, with the main focus on non-compacted cardiomyopathy and the presentation of the triad due to congenital heart failure, as well as clinical manifestations and diagnosis. The research was carried out through online access to the National Library of Medicine (PubMed MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) databases, in the month of June 2023. Results and Discussions: The prevalence of cardiomyopathy in children is higher than in adults, with up to 50% of cases occurring in families. Imaging exams are still the best way to identify the pathology, with the prescription of evaluating the myocardium and its cardiac chambers and being able to identify the difference from other heart diseases. Conclusion: Therefore, the presence of heart failure is a consequence of non-compaction cardiomyopathy. The therapeutic measure is the use of implantable cardiac defibrillators and in severe cases the patient undergoes heart transplantation, with medication being used depending on the clinical case. Furthermore, the diagnosis presents a great evolution through technological advances and improved resolution of cardiac images.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Lívia Fernanda Sousa de Melo, Ítalo Íris Boiba Rodrigues da Cunha, Dayna Benchimol, Ana Paula Jahn , Ingrid Jahn , Luiz Gustavo Souza da Silva , Nicole Mendonça Fernandes Coelho, Márcio Ney Gonçalves Negreiros , Ana Luiza Pereira de Aguiar , Matheus Cuvello Motta, Antônio Carlos da Silva Araújo Neto, Lívia Fernanda Sousa de Melo