Use of the technique of continuous blocks of the peripheral/central nervous system in Brazil in the last five years
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Pain Postoperative. Analgesia. Health Systems.

How to Cite

Braga, D. B. F., & Morejón, L. C. L. (2023). Use of the technique of continuous blocks of the peripheral/central nervous system in Brazil in the last five years. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 6382–6399.


This study aimed to analyze the use of the technique of continuous blocks of the peripheral/central nervous system in Brazil over the last five years. This is a descriptive and retrospective study. The study data were extracted from DATASUS through the Hospital Information System (SIH), from 2018 to 2022. The results demonstrate that regarding the number of hospital admission authorizations (AIH) in 2019 there were more AIH in the North, Northeast, South and Central-West regions and a drop in authorizations, especially in the years 2020 and 2021, however the Southeast region presented more AIH among the years surveyed. As for the average value of hospital admission authorizations (VMAIH), the Southeast region has the highest values. Regarding days of stay (DP), the Southeast had longer hospitalization times. Regarding death and mortality rate (MT), the data showed that the year 2021 had a higher mortality rate in the Southeast Region, however, in 2019 the Central-West had a higher rate. It is concluded that the Southeast region presented higher numbers in the categories studied, a reflection of socioeconomic inequality and greater availability of beds and specialized hospitals in the region.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Danillo Bonifácio Faleiro Braga, Luís Cezar Loro Morejón