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Interprofessional collaboration, Chronic diseases, Multidisciplinary teams, Integration of care, Integrated treatment.

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Filho, G. C. de M., Guarnieri, M., Araújo, G. R. P. T. de, Suekane , A. S., Bankow, B. C., Nunes , L. C., Alves , T. L. R., Zaitune, M. A., Vergara, A. G., & Silva , F. da M. V. (2023). INTEGRATION OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAMS IN THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC ILLNESSES: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 6143–6153.


The treatment of chronic diseases represents a significant challenge for the healthcare system, requiring approaches that go beyond individual specialization. The integration of multidisciplinary teams appears as a promising strategy to face this complexity, bringing together professionals from different areas to provide comprehensive and personalized care. This study aims to analyze the challenges and opportunities related to the integration of multidisciplinary teams in the treatment of chronic diseases, seeking to understand how this approach can optimize the quality of care and health outcomes for patients. The methodology adopted consists of an integrative literature review, carried out through systematic searches in scientific databases. Articles were selected that address the integration of multidisciplinary teams in the context of chronic diseases, considering recent publications in the period from 2015 to 2023. The results of the review show that the integration of multidisciplinary teams in the treatment of chronic diseases faces significant challenges, including barriers in communication interprofessional, institutional hierarchies and lack of standardized protocols. However, opportunities identified include greater effectiveness in managing complex cases, holistic patient approach and promoting treatment adherence. Given the challenges identified, the final considerations point to the need for specific strategies to strengthen the integration of multidisciplinary teams in the context of chronic diseases. This involves implementing institutional policies, investing in interprofessional training, and developing protocols that facilitate effective collaboration. Overcoming these obstacles can result in tangible benefits for patients, improving quality of life and optimizing healthcare resources.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Gonçalo Conceição de Magalhães Filho, Marina Guarnieri, Gabriel Rocha Pinon Teixeira de Araújo, Amanda Sayuri Suekane , Bianca Carolina Bankow, Lucas Couto Nunes , Thierry Lucio Rodrigues Alves , Marcelo Almeida Zaitune, Antonio Gabriel Vergara, Fernanda da Mata Vasconcelos Silva