Impactos da Neuroinflamação nos Transtornos de Depressão e Ansiedade: Uma Revisão Integrativa.
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Vinícius Barbosa Moreira, M., Sobral Fernandes, G., Barreto Mesquita de Goes, ⁠Marcelo, Luís Tomaz do Nascimento, A., Caroline d’Ávila Pinheiro Daniel, A., Beatriz dos Santos Silva, ⁠Ana, Safira Araújo Mendes, A., Cecília Leão de Carvalho, A., & Larissa Fernandes de Holanda Soares, A. (2023). Impactos da Neuroinflamação nos Transtornos de Depressão e Ansiedade: Uma Revisão Integrativa. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 5537–5560.


Introduction: Neuroinflammation is characterized by an inflammatory response that occurs in the brain and spinal cord through the action of factors capable of disrupting the body's homeostasis, such as trauma, infection, ischemia and toxins. Long-term exposure to these toxins, in turn, may be related not only to the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases, but also to anxiety and depression disorders. The objective of this research was to carry out an integrative review with an emphasis on analyzing the impacts of neuroinflammation on anxiety and depression disorders. Methods: For the bibliographic survey, data were collected from the virtual libraries PubMed, LILACS and Scientific Electronic Library Online. Data collection was carried out in five stages. To systematize the search and selection of collected articles, it was necessary to use the recommendation of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses. Results: The main results showed that increased neuroinflammatory activity is present as a component of depressive symptoms mainly in outpatients, and suggests that greater neuroinflammatory activity is related to the severity of the disease. Conclusion: Based on the data presented here, it is suggested that other studies be developed dealing with the topic, taking into account the scarcity of research and the period of transition experienced in the current context, in which many investigations are in the process of development, with a view to supply the search for strategies to cope with such biopsychosocial conditions.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Marcus Vinícius Barbosa Moreira, Giovanna Sobral Fernandes, ⁠Marcelo Barreto Mesquita de Goes, André Luís Tomaz do Nascimento, Anne Caroline d’Ávila Pinheiro Daniel, ⁠Ana Beatriz dos Santos Silva, Amanda Safira Araújo Mendes, Ana Cecília Leão de Carvalho, Ana Larissa Fernandes de Holanda Soares