Medical semiology, which is the study of the signs and symptoms of diseases, has evolved significantly in recent years, due to the contribution of several doctors, researchers and scientists. With the advent of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, 3D printing and complementary exams, medicine has experienced notable advances. However, despite these advances, the anamnesis and physical examination remain essential tools in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This article explores the evolution of clinical semiology and its fundamental importance in light of the influence of new diagnostic aid technologies. Conclusion: It is concluded that although technology continues to expand medicine, the importance of patient-centered clinical examination remains intact.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Anna Lyvia Bertoletti Quijadas Aro, Déborah Rodrigues Didó, João Vitor Wilson Hall, Nathalia Varela de Miranda , Naysa Gabrielly Alves de Andrade, Sthefani Kangerski, Victor Hugo Ferreira de Melo Vaz, Vinicius Sott Tonial, Larissa Cristina Clementino Lara Caiado