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Cuidados, lactentes, alergia, proteína do leite de vaca.

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Nery, R. F., Gomes , R. L. S. O., Ribeiro , B. E. S., Gomes , L. F., Pereira , J. A., Nascimento , M. M. do, Seabra , R. F., Marques , A. G. B., Neto , M. G. dos S., Melo , J. de A., & Leonello, D. de C. B. (2023). CUIDADOS A LACTENTES COM ALERGIA À PROTEÍNA DO LEITE DE VACA. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 6024–6035.


Cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) is an immune response to proteins found in dairy products, triggering the production of IgE antibodies. This study aims to analyze care practices for infants with CMPA, assessing the effectiveness of interventions, challenges faced by healthcare professionals, and contributing to assistance strategies. The research utilized databases such as MEDLINE, IBECS, and LILACS, exploring terms like Milk Hypersensitivity, Milk, Food Hypersensitivity, and Infants. Risk factors include genetic and environmental elements, such as childbirth and prematurity. Exclusion of milk protein proves effective, resolving symptoms in 80%, while other approaches involve immunotherapy, probiotics, and antihistamines. Professionals face challenges such as lack of knowledge, limited access, and high costs, impacting treatment. Diagnostic errors and difficulty accessing formulas are also concerns. The importance of preparing parents to recognize and manage allergic reactions is emphasized, with specific guidelines, label reading, and identification of hidden ingredients ensuring food safety. Parental information and preparation are crucial, empowering them to handle potential allergic reactions. Specific guidelines, like label reading, provide a solid foundation for food safety. Adopting proactive measures, such as training infants to identify triggering foods, and creating a risk-free environment are expected strategies for the healthy growth of infants with CMPA. The article underscores the complexity of CMPA but also highlights the hope and effectiveness of care strategies. With the joint commitment of healthcare professionals, families, and caregivers, it is possible to provide a smooth path for the healthy and happy growth of these infants, overcoming challenges associated with cow's milk allergy.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Rebeca Ferreira Nery, Rafael Lucas Santos Oliveira Gomes , Bruna Emanuely Sousa Ribeiro , Luana Figueiredo Gomes , Jefferson Almeida Pereira , Marcela Melo do Nascimento , Roselane Rerreira Seabra , Amanda Gabriele Brito Marques , Manoel Gouveia dos Santos Neto , Jhonatan de Almeida Melo , Daniela de Castro Barbosa Leonello