The importance of early diagnosis of endometriosis: literature review
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Diagnóstico Precoce, Endometriose, Fertilidade.

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Santos , O. S., Eschiapati , T. R., Kondo, G. B., Beltrão, F. H. da S., Fook, A. M. P. L., Santos , S. G. dos, Barros, H. C., Reis, M. T. dos, Zanotto Filho, R. L., Silva , G. V., Bicalho , R. dos S., Colognese , B. A., Batista Barros, E., Rêgo , H. M. A., Oliveira, S. S., Rosa, A. L. N., & Silva, R. P. e. (2023). The importance of early diagnosis of endometriosis: literature review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 4959–4968.


Introduction: Endometriosis is a complex and challenging gynecological condition that affects millions of women worldwide. Characterized by the abnormal growth of tissue similar to the endometrium outside the uterus, this condition can cause a wide range of symptoms, from intense pelvic pain to reproductive complications, including infertility.

Methodology: A literature review was conducted covering the period from September 2009 to November 2023, focusing on the early diagnosis of endometriosis and its impacts on fertility. The research was carried out in the PubMed database using specific MeSH descriptors, including "Early Diagnosis," "Endometriosis," and "Fertility."

Result: Early diagnosis of endometriosis is essential to provide affected women with the opportunity to manage the condition, alleviate symptoms, preserve fertility, and prevent future complications. A holistic approach, involving awareness, education, and medical intervention, is crucial to improving the quality of life for women affected by this condition.

Conclusion: The importance of the early diagnosis of endometriosis transcends the boundaries of the medical sphere, permeating crucial aspects of the quality of life, emotional well-being, and reproductive health of affected women. The often underestimated complexity of this condition underscores the pressing need for proactive approaches in identifying and managing symptoms.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Oziemile Silva Santos , Thainá Ruiz Eschiapati , Gabriela Biazon Kondo, Francisco Henrique da Silva Beltrão, Amanda Maria Pascoal Lia Fook, Sabrina Gerônimo dos Santos , Henrique Canevari Barros, Munike Tomazini dos Reis, Ricardo Luiz Zanotto Filho, Guilherme Vaz Silva , Rodrigo dos Santos Bicalho , Bianca Aparecida Colognese , Eliab Batista Barros, Hosana Maria Araújo Rêgo , Samille Santos Oliveira, Ana Laura Nunes Rosa, Renata Peres e Silva