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Melanoma, Skin Neoplasia, Treatment.

How to Cite

Barcala , N. da S., Narracci , F., Perillo , G. M., Corredato , J. C. B., Fonsatti , L. M., Sampaio , F. E. de A., Bueno, L. da R., Britto , L. E. G. de, Castilhos , A. L. M., Domingues , S. P., Ataides , Ágatha I. da S., Nascimento , B. V., Rodrigues, V. M., Péres Júnior, R. R., Paulik , K. F., & Coelho, A. J. K. G. (2023). MELANOMA: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 4856–4869.


Melanoma is a malignant cutaneous neoplasm originating in melanocytes, cells responsible for melanin production. This type of skin cancer has the ability to rapidly spread to other organs, potentially leading to serious complications. Dermoscopy, cutaneous biopsy, and positron emission tomography are essential techniques for early diagnosis and staging of melanoma. The treatment of melanoma involves a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and radiotherapy, depending on the extent of the disease. Notable advancements include immune checkpoint inhibitors such as ipilimumab and pembrolizumab, which have demonstrated significant efficacy in advanced melanomas. Melanoma prevention is grounded in awareness of risk factors, such as excessive sun exposure, and dermatological screening programs in high-risk populations. Molecular understanding of melanoma, including mutations in genes like BRAF, has contributed to more personalized treatment strategies. In summary, melanoma poses a significant clinical challenge, requiring an integrated approach that spans from advanced diagnostic techniques to innovative therapies, with a focus on prevention and awareness.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Natália da Silva Barcala , Felipe Narracci , Gabriel Martins Perillo , Júlia Cauneto Banheti Corredato , Lilian Mariano Fonsatti , Francielli Elaine de Araújo Sampaio , Lorraine da Rosa Bueno, Luiz Eduardo Gomes de Britto , Ana Laura Macias Castilhos , Sabrina Picin Domingues , Ágatha Ianka da Silva Ataides , Bianca Vilela Nascimento , Vitória Mendonça Rodrigues, Ronaldo Rogério Péres Júnior, Kamilla Ferreira Paulik , Ana Julia Koehler Guedes Coelho