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Obesidade, Depressão, Ansiedade, Gastroplastia.

How to Cite

Rocha, M. E. de S. B., Santos, I. J. dos, Queiroz, L. M., Morais, A. E. de, Vieira, T. A. G., Pagung, V., Pinheiro, D., Arbigaus, C. A., Araújo, L. de S. de, Cartaxo, M. E. B., Brasileiro, L. F., & Barbosa, A. A. R. (2023). PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH BARIATRIC SURGERY AND THEIR CHALLENGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 4479–4492.


Objective: Review the literature on mental disorders related to bariatric surgery. Methods: This is an integrative literature review. The electronic survey was carried out in the LILACS, Pubmed, Scielo, VHL and CAPES journal portal databases. You descriptors in health sciences (DeC) “bariatric surgery” and “mental disorders” were applied as search terms. Results: 9 studies were selected for analysis qualitative, 6 from the Pubmed platform, 2 from Scielo and 1 from the LILACS platform. It was observed that patients who are candidates for bariatric surgery have a high prevalence of disorders psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety and binge eating disorder, especially when associated with post-surgical weight recovery. It has also been discussed that bariatric surgery is an effective technique to promote improvement in the symptoms of anxiety and binge eating. Final Considerations: Strong correlation was found between the development of depression and anxiety disorders and weight gain after surgery. Psychological treatment of obese patients with psychological disorders can be carried out with cognitive and behavioral therapies, with a higher success rate if initiated after surgery, before weight gain.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Eduarda de Sá Bonifácio Rocha, Isabela Jacomassi dos Santos, Laís Martins Queiroz, Amanda Ellen de Morais, Thiago Augusto Gama Vieira, Victória Pagung, Daniela Pinheiro, Cesar Alexsandro Arbigaus, Ludimila de Sousa de Araújo, Maria Eduarda Borges Cartaxo, Luciana Ferreira Brasileiro, Alladin Anderson Ramos Barbosa